Chapter 10. Keyboard Codes

Puzzle 208

Difficulty Level: Easy

Puzzle 208

Puzzle 209

Difficulty Level: Easy

Puzzle 209

Puzzle 210

Difficulty Level: Easy

43g7i3e g6 g95y D9ht43ww qhe T3h34qo


Puzzle 211

Difficulty Level: Easy

O s, siyjptoxrf yp, slr upi s goms; pggrt

pg 3-.--- [pimfd/

Puzzle 212

Difficulty Level: Easy

shoysyomh gpt S, rtovsm rc[smdopm

omyp yjr Hp;frm Votv;r pg s 2.---, o;r

tsfoid. vrmyrtrf pm Jsbsms/

Puzzle 213

Difficulty Level: Easy

Puzzle 213

Puzzle 214

Difficulty Level: Easy

y3q45 59 w33 5y3 9009457h8583w 5yq5

5y8w d9h58h3h5 9rr34w 59 j3h 9r f8w89h

qhe w543ht5y 9r 28ool

Puzzle 215

Difficulty Level: Easy

Puzzle 215

Puzzle 216

Difficulty Level: Easy

Puzzle 216

Puzzle 217

Difficulty Level: Easy

Puzzle 217

Puzzle 218

Difficulty Level: Easy

Puzzle 218

Puzzle 219

Difficulty Level: Easy

)J4 T9JWP 69- 60 54H4PE{ WP3W7E


-50T4EE90J 9J 54E45G4. J9Y4P


Puzzle 220

Difficulty ...

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