Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Book description

This book provides an overview of cost-effectiveness analysis which is a method for defining and choosing among a set of alternatives. This book relates cost-effectiveness analysis to systems engineering to solve everyday problems at home and the office. It can also be used in technical processes, system design, and project management.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents
  7. Preface
  8. Author
  9. Books by the Author
  10. 1 WSEIAC, the Whiz Kids, and RAND
    1. The WSEIAC Analysis and Report
    2. Technical Reports
    3. WSEIAC Recommendations
    4. More about the Whiz Kids
    5. How Much Is Enough?
    6. Four Important Trends
    7. New Processes
    8. The WHIZ Kids – Some Last Words
    9. The Research and Development (RAND) Project and Corporation
    10. References
  11. 2 An Overview of the Basics
    1. Shape of Ensemble of Prior Systems
    2. Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs)
    3. Effectiveness Measures
    4. Evaluators (Commissioners)
    5. Sample Cost Data
    6. MOEs vs. Functional Decomposition
    7. Sensitivities
      1. Selection of Architectures vs. Selection of the Best System to Use
    8. Absolute Values of Effectiveness Measures and Cost-Related Values
    9. The Real Meaning of Cost Analysis [4]
    10. The Bottom Line
    11. References
  12. 3 Cost-Effectiveness and Systems Engineering
    1. Overview
    2. What Is Systems Engineering?
    3. The SEBoK
    4. Illustration of Cost-Effectiveness Approach to Architecting
    5. Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) [6]
    6. MITRE's Systems Engineering Guide
    7. INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook [11]
    8. References
  13. 4 Selected Commentaries on Cost-Effectiveness
    1. McNamara as a Transformative Leader [2]
    2. A History of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
    3. A Critique of Cost-Effectiveness
    4. Principles and Controversies [6]
    5. The Overall Atmosphere in the OSD [7]
    6. Selected Courses in Cost-Effectiveness
    7. A Bottom Line for Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analyses
    8. Open-ended Program Design and Analysis [10]
    9. Another Look at Defining Alternatives
      1. Computers
      2. Telephones
      3. Automobiles
    10. Relationship between Cost-Effectiveness and Systems Engineering
    11. References
  14. 5 Life Cycle Costing
    1. General Categories of Cost
    2. Subordinate Detailed Cost Elements
    3. Other Cost Categories
      1. Difficulties in Obtaining Real Cost Data [3]
    4. Three Top Categories of Cost in Relation to Life Cycle Stages
    5. NIST/GSA Building Handbook [5]
    6. DoD Instruction 5000.73 – Cost Analysis Guidance [6]
    7. DOD Budget Spending by Category [3]
    8. References
  15. 6 Cost Estimating Relationships
    1. Another Illustrative Life Cycle Cost – Line of Sight Microwave Communications
    2. COCOMO
    3. Linear Regression for CER Development [4]
    4. Joint Agency CER Development [5]
    5. Operating and Support Cost Estimating Guide [7]
    6. MITRE's Cost Estimation Resources [8]
    7. References
  16. 7 Cost-Effectiveness and Benefits
    1. A Military Cost-benefit Analysis [4]
      1. An Army Cost-Benefit Analysis to Support Army Enterprise Decision-Making [6]
      2. Army Cost Analysis Manual, Dept. of the Army, U.S. Army Cost and Economic Analysis Center, May 2002 [7]
    2. Cost-analysis Perspectives from the DAU [8]
    3. Disposal Costs
    4. References
  17. 8 Everyday Cost-Effectiveness
    1. Functional Decomposition [1]
    2. Cost-Effectiveness of Home Purchase/Build
    3. Incremental Capabilities and Cost
    4. References
  18. 9 Selected Military Examples
    1. C-17 Example [2]
    2. Cargo Aircraft – the Navy Cargo Case
    3. The Joint Strike Fighter (F-35, JSF)
    4. National Missile Defense [8]
    5. Effectiveness in Space [10]
    6. Cutting the Defense Budget [12]
    7. A Note on Transparency
    8. References
  19. 10 Miscellany
    1. Risk Analysis
    2. Business Case Assessment
    3. Budgeting
    4. Cost-Effectiveness and Warfighting
    5. Warfighting
    6. Fort Leavenworth Kansas: The Army War College
    7. Intercity Transportation Example
    8. Rational Choice Theory [8]
    9. NASA: Systems Engineering and Cost-Effectiveness [9]
    10. MITRE's Affordability, Efficiency, and Effectiveness [10]
    11. From the Military, Affecting Budget [4]
    12. References
  20. 11 Summary
  21. Index

Product information

  • Title: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
  • Author(s): Howard Eisner
  • Release date: December 2021
  • Publisher(s): CRC Press
  • ISBN: 9781000532784