List of Listings
Chapter 1. Introduction to the CoreOS family
Listing 1.1. NGINX unit file: nginx@.service
Listing 1.2. nginx-sidekick unit file: nginx-sidekick@.service
Chapter 2. Getting started on your workstation
Chapter 3. Expecting failure: fault tolerance in CoreOS
Listing 3.1. code/ch3/helloworld/app.js
Listing 3.2. code/ch3/helloworld/Dockerfile
Listing 3.3. code/ch3/helloworld/package.json
Listing 3.4. code/ch3/helloworld/helloworld@.service
Listing 3.5. code/ch3/helloworld/helloworld-sidekick@.service
Listing 3.6. code/ch3/nginx/Dockerfile
Listing 3.7. code/ch3/nginx/
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