References and Further Readings

Throughout, I have included thoughts and ideas that have been collected from all sorts of sources for over two decades. Below, I have included the references to those that have been actually mentioned in the book as well as many others that I encourage readers to consider accessing. Any oversight is mine.


  1. Barbuto Jr, J.E. and Wheeler, D.W. (2006). Scale development and construct clarification of servant leadership. Group & Organization Management, 31(3), 300–326.
  2. Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99–120.
  3. Bierly, P.E., Kessler, E.H., and Christensen, E.W. (2000). Organizational learning, knowledge and wisdom. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 13(6), 595–618.
  4. Chandler, A.D. (1990). Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise (Vol. 120). MIT Press.
  5. Craig, J.B. and Moores, K. (2017). Leading a Family Business: Best Practices for Long-Term Stewardship. ABC-CLIO.
  6. Craig, J.B. (2017). Leading a family business requires a C-Suite capabilities and an F-Suite mindset. Family Capital Viewpoint, February. (accessed 26 June 2021).
  7. Cray, E. (1978). Levi's: The ‘Shrink-to-Fit’ Business that Stretched to Cover the World. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
  8. Davis, J.H., Schoorman, F.D., and Donaldson, L. (1997). Toward ...

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