Chapter 7. Software Vulnerabilities in Images

Patching software for vulnerabilities has long been an important aspect of maintaining the security of deployed code. This is still a relevant problem in the world of containers, but as you will see in this chapter, the patching process has been completely reinvented. But first, let’s cover what software vulnerabilities are and how they are published and tracked.

Vulnerability Research

A vulnerability is a known flaw in a piece of software that an attacker can take advantage of to perform some kind of malicious activity. As a general rule, you can assume that the more complex a piece of software is, the more likely it is to have flaws, some of which will be exploitable.

When there is a vulnerability in a common piece of software, attackers may be able to take advantage of it wherever it is deployed, so there is an entire research industry devoted to finding and reporting new vulnerabilities in publicly available software, especially operating system packages and language libraries. You have probably heard of some of the most devastating vulnerabilities, like Shellshock, Meltdown, and Heartbleed, which get not just a name but sometimes even a logo. These are the rock stars of the vulnerability world, but they are a tiny fraction of the thousands of issues that get reported every year.

Once a vulnerability is identified, the race is on to get a fix published so that users can deploy that fix before attackers take advantage of the issue. ...

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