

Aaditya Corporation, 777
Abelian group, 405
Abstract model
network interactions and, 189–191
cross-infrastructure cyber cascading attacks, 191–192
sample cascading attack, 191
vulnerabilities, isolating, 192
Abstract Syntax Notation (aka ASN.1), 444
control, 48–49, 59, 476–478
EPAL, 477
P3P, 477
standards, 261
subsystem, 640
XACML, 477
mesh routers, 172
ACL, 570
DIF, 570
partitioning, 573–574
physical, 571
securing management interfaces, 573
separation of functions, 573
source ID (S_ID) checking, 574
Access control entries (ACE), 49, 89
Access control list (ACL), 49, 66, 69, 89, 161, 162

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