Book description
The book offers comprehensive coverage of the essential topics, including machine Learning and Deep Learning for cybersecurity, blockchain for cybersecurity and privacy, security engineering for Cyber-physical systems, AI and Data Analytics techniques for cybersecurity in smart systems, trust in digital systems.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Half Title
- Series Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Preface
- Editor biographies
- Contributors
Section I: Big Data and Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity Management and Applications
Chapter 1 Big Data and Blockchain for Cybersecurity Applications: Challenges and Solutions
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Benefits of Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Internet of Things
- 1.3 Big Data Analytics Research in IoT: Issues and Challenges
- 1.4 Computational Intelligence Techniques
- 1.5 Integration of Big Data with Business Intelligence
- 1.6 Bitcoin Adoption and Rejection
- 1.7 Blockchain in Cybersecurity
- 1.8 Cyber Security Attacks in Blockchain
- 1.9 Use cases of Blockchain in Cybersecurity
- 1.10 Integration of Big Data and Blockchain
- 1.11 Conclusion
- References
Chapter 2 Deep Learning Techniques for Cybersecurity Applications
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- 2.3 Deep Learning and Neural Network
- 2.4 Cybersecurity
- 2.5 DL Algorithms for Cybersecurity
- 2.6 Cybersecurity Use Cases
- 2.7 DL Methods for Cyberattack Detection
- 2.8 Cybersecurity Threats and Attacks
- 2.9 Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 3 Deep Learning Techniques for Malware Classification
Chapter 1 Big Data and Blockchain for Cybersecurity Applications: Challenges and Solutions
- Section II: Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity Applications
Section III: Blockchain and Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity Applications
Chapter 7 Artificial Intelligence Incorporated in Business Analytics and Blockchain to Enhance Security
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Literature Study
- 7.3 Application of Artificial Intelligence in Business Analytics
- 7.4 Blockchain Technology and the Use of AI
- 7.5 Transactions in Blockchain
- 7.6 Proof of Work in Blockchain
- 7.7 Case Study on AI Using Blockchain
- 7.8 AI in Smart Contracts and Its Testing
- 7.9 Conclusion
- References
Chapter 8 Blockchain Solutions for Security and Privacy Issues in Smart Health Care
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Smart Health Care
- 8.3 Security and Privacy Requirements of Smart Health Care
- 8.4 Security and Privacy Issues in Smart Health Care
- 8.5 Blockchain Use Cases in Smart Health Care
- 8.6 Blockchain's Role in the Mitigation of Security and Privacy Issues in the Smart Healthcare System
- 8.7 Smart Health Care and Computational Intelligence
- 8.8 Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 9 AIC Algorithm for Trust Management in eWOM for Digital Systems
- Chapter 10 Study of IoT Security for Blockchain Management: An Application to Data Backup
- Chapter 11 Cybersecurity Management in Cyber-Physical Systems Using Blockchain
Chapter 7 Artificial Intelligence Incorporated in Business Analytics and Blockchain to Enhance Security
- Index
Product information
- Title: Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity Management and Applications
- Author(s):
- Release date: April 2023
- Publisher(s): CRC Press
- ISBN: 9781000853414
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