
Irena Bach-Dąbrowska

Faculty of Management and


Gdańsk University of Technology Gdańsk, Poland

Dines Bjørner

Professor Emeritus

Holte, Denmark

Thomas Boettcher

HumanLabs, Inc.

Wilmington, Delaware

Joseph F. Fitzsimons

Centre for Quantum Technologies

National University of Singapore


Alessio Gabriele

CRM-Centro Ricerche Musicali

Rome, Italy

Alon Halevy

Google Research

Mountain View, California

Frank Hopfgartner

CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies

Dublin City University

Dublin, Ireland

Kasper Hornbæk

University of Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Denmark

Paola Inverardi

Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics

University of L’Aquila

L’Aquila, Italy

Daniel Janies

Department of Bioinformatics ...

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