Complete Web Monitoring

Book description

Do you really understand your online presence? Are you confident that visitors can use your website? Do you know their motivations? How do online communities perceive your company? To innovate and adapt your business quickly, you must know the answers to these questions.

Complete Web Monitoring demonstrates how to measure every aspect of your web presence -- including analytics, backend performance, usability, communities, customer feedback, and competitive analysis -- whether you're running an e-commerce site, a community, a media property, or a Software-as-a-Service company. This book's concrete examples, clear explanations, and practical recommendations make it essential for anyone who runs a website.

With this book you will:

  • Discover how visitors use and interact with your site through web analytics, segmentation, conversions, and user interaction analysis
  • Find out your market's motivations with voice-of-the-customer research
  • Measure the health and availability of your website with synthetic testing and real-user monitoring
  • Track communities related to your online presence, including social networks, forums, blogs, microblogs, wikis, and social news aggregators
  • Understand how to assemble this data into clear reports tailored to your organization and audience

You can't fix what you don't measure. Complete Web Monitoring shows you how to transform missed opportunities, frustrated users, and spiraling costs into online success.

"This is a very comprehensive view of just about everything one needs to know about how websites work and what one needs to know about them. I'd like to make this book required reading for every employee at Gomez."-- Imad Mouline, CTO of Gomez

Table of contents

  1. Complete Web Monitoring
    1. Preface
      1. How to Use This Book
      2. What Will and Won’t Be Covered
      3. Who You Are
      4. What You Know
      5. Conventions Used in This Book
      6. Using Code Examples
      7. How to Contact Us
      8. Vendor Policy
      9. Safari® Books Online
      10. Reviewers
      11. Acknowledgments
    2. I. The Business Of Web Monitoring
      1. 1. Why Watch Websites?
        1. A Fragmented View
        2. Out with the Old, in with the New
        3. A Note on Privacy: Tracking People
      2. 2. What Business Are You In?
        1. Media Sites
          1. Business Model
        2. Transactional Sites
          1. Business Model
        3. Collaboration Sites
          1. Business Model
        4. Software-as-a-Service Applications
          1. Business Model
      3. 3. What Could We Watch?
        1. How Much Did Visitors Benefit My Business?
          1. Conversion and Abandonment
          2. Click-Throughs
          3. Offline Activity
          4. User-Generated Content
          5. Subscriptions
          6. Billing and Account Use
        2. Where Is My Traffic Coming From?
          1. Referring Websites
          2. Inbound Links from Social Networks
          3. Visitor Motivation
        3. What’s Working Best (and Worst)?
          1. Site Effectiveness
          2. Ad and Campaign Effectiveness
          3. Findability and Search Effectiveness
          4. Trouble Ticketing and Escalation
          5. Content Popularity
          6. Usability
          7. User Productivity
          8. Community Rankings and Rewards
        4. How Good Is My Relationship with My Visitors?
          1. Loyalty
          2. Enrollment
          3. Reach
        5. How Healthy Is My Infrastructure?
          1. Availability and Performance
          2. Service Level Agreement Compliance
          3. Content Delivery
          4. Capacity and Flash Traffic: When Digg and Twitter Come to Visit
          5. Impact of Performance on Outcomes
          6. Traffic Spikes from Marketing Efforts
          7. Seasonal Usage Patterns
        6. How Am I Doing Against the Competition?
          1. Site Popularity and Ranking
          2. How People Are Finding My Competitors
          3. Relative Site Performance
          4. Competitor Activity
        7. Where Are My Risks?
          1. Trolling and Spamming
          2. Copyright and Legal Liability
          3. Fraud, Privacy, and Account Sharing
        8. What Are People Saying About Me?
          1. Site Reputation
          2. Trends
          3. Social Network Activity
        9. How Are My Site and Content Being Used Elsewhere?
          1. API Access and Usage
          2. Mashups, Stolen Content, and Illegal Syndication
          3. Integration with Legacy Systems
        10. The Tools at Our Disposal
          1. Collection Tools
          2. Search Systems
          3. Testing Services
      4. 4. The Four Big Questions
        1. What Did They Do?
        2. How Did They Do It?
        3. Why Did They Do It?
        4. Could They Do It?
        5. Putting It All Together
        6. Analyzing Data Properly
          1. Always Compare
          2. Segment Everything
          3. Don’t Settle for Averages
        7. A Complete Web Monitoring Maturity Model
          1. Level 1: Technical Details
          2. Level 2: Minding Your Own House
          3. Level 3: Engaging the Internet
          4. Level 4: Building Relationships
          5. Level 5: Web Business Strategy
          6. The Watching Websites Maturity Model
    3. II. Web Analytics, Usability, and the Voice of the Customer
      1. 5. What Did They Do?: Web Analytics
        1. Dealing with Popularity and Distance
        2. The Core of Web Visibility
        3. A Quick History of Analytics
          1. From IT to Marketing
            1. JavaScript collection let marketing bypass IT
            2. Search engines changed the reports marketers wanted
            3. Service models meant pay-as-you-go economics
          2. From Hits to Pages: Tracking Reach
          3. From Pages to Visits: The Rise of the Cookie
          4. From Visits to Outcomes: Tracking Goals
          5. From Technology to Meaning: Tagging Content
          6. An Integrated View
          7. Places and Tasks
            1. Places are where users hang out
            2. Tasks occur when users have a mission
            3. A new way to look at sites
            4. What can you do to get started?
        4. The Three Stages of Analytics
          1. Finding the Site: The Long Funnel
            1. Direct traffic
            2. Organic search
            3. Paid search and online advertising
            4. Referrals
            5. Linkbacks
            6. The long funnel
          2. Using the Site: Tracking Your Visitors
            1. Where did they come in?
            2. Places and tasks revisited
            3. Segmentation
            4. Goals
            5. Putting it all together
          3. Leaving the Site: Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
            1. Abandonment and bounce rate
            2. Attrition
          4. Desirable Outcomes
            1. Tracking referrals and ad clicks
        5. Implementing Web Analytics
          1. Define Your Site’s Goals
          2. Set Up Data Capture
            1. Server logs
            2. Server agents
            3. Man in the middle: Traffic capture
            4. Static image request
            5. JavaScript
            6. Comparing data capture models
          3. Set Up Filters
          4. Identify Segments You Want to Analyze
          5. Tag Your Pages to Give Them Meaning
          6. Campaign Integration
          7. Go Live and Verify Everything
            1. Is performance still acceptable?
            2. Are pages instrumented properly?
            3. Are goals properly configured to measure conversions?
            4. Are tags working correctly?
        6. Sharing Analytics Data
          1. Repeat Consistently
          2. Start Experimenting
            1. Repeat and ramp
        7. Choosing an Analytics Platform
          1. Free Versus Paid
          2. Real-Time Versus Trending
          3. Hosted Versus In-House
          4. Data Portability
        8. The Up-Front Work
          1. What You Get for Free
          2. What You Get with a Bit of Work
          3. What You Get with a Bit More Work
          4. What You Get with a Lot of Work
        9. Web Analytics Maturity Model
      2. 6. How Did They Do It?: Monitoring Web Usability
        1. Web Design Is a Hypothesis
          1. Four Kinds of Interaction
        2. Seeing the Content: Scrolling Behavior
          1. Scrolling As a Metric of Visibility
            1. Paying attention
            2. Your mileage will vary
        3. Proper Interactions: Click Heatmaps
          1. Usability and Affordance
          2. Analyzing Mouse Interactions
            1. Segmenting clicks
        4. Data Input and Abandonment: Form Analysis
        5. Individual Visits: Replay
          1. Stalking Efficiently: What You Replay Depends on the Problem You’re Solving
            1. Post-launch usability testing: Are my designs working?
            2. Conversion optimization: why aren’t conversions as good as they should be?
            3. Helpdesk support: Why is this visitor having issues?
            4. Incident diagnosis: Why is this problem happening?
            5. Test case creation: What steps are needed to test the app?
            6. Dispute resolution: How do I prove it’s not my fault?
          2. Retroactive Segmentation: Answering “What If?”
        6. Implementing WIA
          1. Knowing Your Design Assumptions
          2. Deciding What to Capture
          3. Instrumenting and Collecting Interactions
            1. Inline WIA
            2. Client-side WIA
            3. Service versus software
            4. Sampling and completeness
            5. Filtering and content reduction
            6. Augmenting visits with extraction and tagging
            7. Tying WIA to other sources
        7. Issues and Concerns
          1. What if the Page Changes?
          2. Visitor Actions WIA Can’t See
          3. Dynamic Naming and Page Context
          4. Browser Rendering Issues
          5. Different Clicks Have Different Meanings
          6. The Impact of WIA Capture on Performance
          7. Playback, Page Neutering, and Plug-in Components
          8. Privacy
            1. Data collection: Inclusive and exclusive
            2. Keystroke capture is an ethical hot potato
        8. Web Interaction Analytics Maturity Model
      3. 7. Why Did They Do It?: Voice of the Customer
        1. The Travel Industry’s Dilemma
        2. They Aren’t Doing What You Think They Are
        3. What VOC Is
          1. Insight and Clues
          2. Subjective Scoring
          3. Demographics
          4. Surfographics
            1. Cookie disambiguation
            2. Familiarity with web technologies
          5. Collection of Visit Mechanics Unavailable Elsewhere
        4. What VOC Isn’t
          1. It’s Not a Substitute for Other Forms of Collection
          2. It’s Not Representative of Your User Base
          3. It’s Not an Alternative to a Community
          4. It’s Not a Substitute for Enrollment
        5. Four Ways to Understand Users
        6. Kicking Off a VOC Program
          1. Planning the Study
            1. The goals of the study
          2. The Kinds of Questions to Ask
            1. Segmentation
            2. Evaluation
            3. Recall
            4. General feedback and exploration
            5. Mindset
          3. Designing the Study’s Navigation
            1. Branching logic
            2. Randomizing questions
            3. Control questions
          4. Why Surveys Fail
            1. Don’t ask for frequency of visits
            2. Don’t ask about subscription rates
            3. Don’t ask what they just did
            4. Don’t use VOC to determine web performance
            5. Don’t ask about loyalty
            6. Don’t ask for demographic data that you can get from other sources
            7. Don’t ask questions they can’t answer
            8. Don’t ask too many questions
            9. Don’t ask a question that won’t reveal anything
            10. Always give visitors an out
            11. Discourage lingering
            12. Provide room for subjective feedback when no answer applies
          5. Integrating VOC into Your Website
          6. Trying the Study
          7. Choosing Respondents
            1. Recruitment
            2. Interception
            3. Self-selection and feedback buttons
            4. An overview of VOC methods
        7. Deciding Who to Ask
          1. Private Panels
          2. Disqualifying Certain Visitor Types
        8. Encouraging Participation
          1. Getting Great Response Rates
            1. The risks of rewards
          2. Setting Expectations
          3. Permission to Follow Up
          4. Improving Your Results
            1. High recruitment bounce rates
            2. Low recruitment response rates
            3. Poor interception response rates
            4. Poor start rates
            5. Poor completion rates
            6. Large number of disqualified responses
          5. Analyzing the Data
            1. The importance of segmentation and representation
            2. Analyzing integer data
            3. Displaying numerical breakdowns
            4. Ordinal data
            5. Open-ended data
          6. Integrating VOC Data with Other Analytics
        9. Advantages, Concerns, and Caveats
          1. Learning What to Try Next
          2. Becoming Less About Understanding, More About Evaluating Effectiveness
          3. You May Have to Ask Redundant Questions
        10. Voice of the Customer Maturity Model
    4. III. Web Performance and End User Experience
      1. 8. Could They Do It?: End User Experience Management
        1. What’s User Experience? What’s Not?
          1. ITIL and Apdex: IT Best Practices
          2. Why Care About Performance and Availability?
            1. Establish agreed-upon baselines
            2. Detect and repair errors to reduce downtime
            3. Measure the effectiveness of a change
            4. Know the impact of an outage
            5. Resolve disputes with end users
            6. Estimate future capacity requirements
          3. Things That Affect End User Experience
            1. Availability
            2. Performance problems
        2. The Anatomy of a Web Session
          1. Finding the Destination
          2. Establishing a Connection
            1. How TCP works
            2. Deciding which port to use
            3. Setting up the connection
          3. Securing the Connection
          4. Retrieving an Object
            1. The initial response: HTTP status codes
            2. Object metadata: Describing what’s being sent
            3. Preparing the response
            4. Sending the response
          5. Getting a Page
            1. Doing lots of things at once: Parallelism
            2. Interpreting the page
            3. Assembling the objects
            4. A timeline of page milestones
          6. Getting a Series of Pages
        3. Wrinkles: Why It’s Not Always That Easy
          1. DNS Latency
          2. Multiple Possible Sources
            1. Global Server Load Balancing
            2. Content delivery networks
          3. Slow Networks
            1. Low bandwidth
            2. Hops—devices between your browser and your destination
            3. Congestion and packet loss
            4. Turns: Back and forth is the real problem
          4. Fiddling with Things: The Load Balancer
            1. Distributing load
            2. Avoiding broken machines
            3. Address translation
            4. Consolidating requests
            5. Compressing and encrypting responses
          5. Server Issues
            1. Server OS: Handling networking functions
            2. Web service: Presentation layer, file retrieval
            3. Dynamic tier: Application logic
            4. Storage tier: Data, state persistence
            5. Third-party components: Web services, transaction processing
            6. Permissions and authentication
            7. The relationship between workload and performance
            8. The end result: Wide ranges of server responsiveness
          6. Client Issues
            1. Desktop workload
            2. The browser
            3. Browser compatibility
            4. Stylesheets and page layout
            5. Processing the page
            6. Prefetching
        4. Other Factors
          1. Browser Add-ons Are the New Clients
          2. Timing User Experience with Browser Events
          3. Nonstandard Web Traffic
            1. RSS feeds and podcasts
            2. Peer-to-peer clients
          4. A Table of EUEM Problems
        5. Measuring by Hand: Developer Tools
          1. Network Problems: Sniffing the Wire
          2. Application Problems: Looking at the Desktop
          3. Internet Problems: Testing from Elsewhere
        6. Places and Tasks in User Experience
          1. Place Performance: Updating the Container
          2. Task Performance: Moving to the Next Step
        7. Conclusions
      2. 9. Could They Do It?: Synthetic Monitoring
        1. Monitoring Inside the Network
          1. Using the Load Balancer to Test
        2. Monitoring from Outside the Network
          1. A Cautionary Tale
          2. What Can Go Wrong?
          3. Why Use a Service?
        3. Different Tests for Different Tiers
          1. Testing DNS
          2. Getting There from Here: Traceroute
          3. Testing Network Connectivity: Ping
          4. Asking for a Single Object: HTTP GETs
          5. Beyond Status Codes: Examining the Response
          6. Parsing Dynamic Content
            1. Checking data persistence: Database access and backend services
        4. Beyond a Simple GET: Compound Testing
          1. Getting the Whole Picture: Page Testing
          2. Monitoring a Process: Transaction Testing
          3. Data Collection: Pages or Objects?
            1. Page detail
            2. Object detail
            3. Error recording
          4. Is That a Real Browser or Just a Script?
            1. Browser simulation
            2. Browser puppetry
        5. Configuring Synthetic Tests
          1. Test Count: How Much Is Too Much?
          2. Test Interval: How Frequently Should You Test?
            1. Problem detection: Availability testing
            2. Baselining and planning: Performance testing
          3. Client Variety: How Should I Mimic My Users?
            1. Browser type
            2. End user bandwidth
          4. Geographic Distribution: From Where Should You Test?
          5. Putting It All Together
          6. Setting Up the Tests
          7. Setting Up Alerts
        6. Aggregation and Visualization
        7. Advantages, Concerns, and Caveats
          1. No Concept of Load
          2. Muddying the Analytics
          3. Checking Up on Your Content Delivery Networks
          4. Rich Internet Applications
          5. Site Updates Kill Your Tests
          6. Generating Excessive Traffic
          7. Data Exportability
          8. Competitive Benchmarking
          9. Tests Don’t Reflect Actual User Experience
        8. Synthetic Monitoring Maturity Model
      3. 10. Could They Do It?: Real User Monitoring
        1. RUM and Synthetic Testing Side by Side
        2. How We Use RUM
          1. Proving That You Met SLA Targets
          2. Supporting Users and Resolving Disputes
          3. “First-Cause” Analysis
          4. Helping to Configure Synthetic Tests
          5. As Content for QA in New Tests
        3. Capturing End User Experience
          1. How RUM Works
          2. Server-Side Capture: Putting the Pieces Together
          3. Client-Side Capture: Recording Milestones
          4. What We Record About a Page
            1. Performance metrics
            2. Headers and DOM information
            3. Error conditions
            4. Page content
            5. Correlational data
            6. External metadata
        4. Deciding How to Collect RUM Data
          1. Server Logging
            1. How server logging captures user sessions
            2. How server logging captures timing information
            3. Server logging pros and cons
          2. Reverse Proxies
            1. How reverse proxies capture user sessions
            2. How reverse proxies capture timing information
            3. Reverse proxy pros and cons
          3. Inline (Sniffers and Passive Analysis)
            1. How inline devices capture user sessions
            2. How inline devices capture timing information
            3. Inline device pros and cons
          4. Agent-Based Capture
            1. How agents capture user sessions
            2. How agents capture timing information
            3. Agent pros and cons
          5. JavaScript
            1. How JavaScript captures user sessions
            2. How JavaScript captures timing information
            3. JavaScript pros and cons
          6. JavaScript and Episodes
            1. How Episodes works
            2. The right answer: Hybrid collection
        5. RUM Reporting: Individual and Aggregate Views
        6. RUM Concerns and Trends
          1. Cookie Encryption and Session Reassembly
          2. Privacy
          3. RIA Integration
          4. Storage Issues
          5. Exportability and Portability
          6. Data Warehousing
          7. Network Topologies and the Opacity of the Load Balancer
        7. Real User Monitoring Maturity Model
    5. IV. Online Communities, Internal Communities, and Competitors
      1. 11. What Did They Say?: Online Communities
        1. New Ways to Interact
        2. Consumer Technology
        3. Vocal Markets
        4. Where Communities Come from
          1. Digital Interactions
          2. Making It Easy for Everyone
        5. Online Communities on the Web
          1. Deciding What Mattered
          2. Email for Everyone, Everywhere
          3. Instant Gratification
          4. Everyone’s a Publisher
          5. Microblogging Tells the World What We’re Thinking
      2. 12. Why Care About Communities?
        1. The Mouth of the Long Funnel
        2. A New Kind of PR
          1. Broadcast Marketing Communications
          2. Online Marketing Communications
          3. Viral Marketing: Pump Up the Volume
            1. The Bass Diffusion Curve
          4. Community Marketing: Improving the Signal
        3. Support Communities: Help Those Who Help Themselves
          1. What Makes a Good Support Community?
        4. Risk Avoidance: Watching What the Internet Thinks
        5. Business Agility: Iterative Improvements
          1. A Climate of Faster Change
        6. Getting Leads: Referral Communities
      3. 13. The Anatomy of a Conversation
        1. The Participants: Who’s Talking?
          1. Internal Community Advocates
            1. Executive sponsor
            2. Administrators
            3. Moderators
            4. Subject matter experts
          2. External Community Members
            1. Power laws and community members
            2. Long tail of freaks
            3. Fans and contributors
            4. Lurking, occasional, and bursty users
            5. Disengaged users
        2. The Topics: What Are They Talking About?
        3. The Places: Where Are They Talking?
          1. Different Community Models
          2. User Groups, Newsgroups, and Mailing Lists
          3. Forums
          4. Real-Time Communication Tools
          5. Social Networks
          6. Blogs
            1. A note on megablogs
          7. Wikis
          8. Micromessaging
            1. Asymmetric following
            2. Fluid relationships
            3. Follower count
            4. Limited context
            5. Extensible syntax
            6. The constraints of brevity
            7. An open API
          9. Social News Aggregators
          10. Combined Platforms
          11. Why Be Everywhere?
          12. Monitoring Communities
      4. 14. Tracking and Responding
        1. Searching a Community
          1. Searching Groups and Mailing Lists
          2. Searching Forums
          3. Searching Real-Time Chat Systems
          4. Searching Social Networks
          5. Searching Blogs
          6. Searching Wikis
          7. Searching Micromessaging Tools
          8. Searching Social News Aggregators
          9. Cross-Platform Searching
        2. Joining a Community
          1. Joining Groups and Mailing Lists
          2. Joining Forums
          3. Joining Real-Time Chat Systems
          4. Joining Social Networks
          5. Joining Blogs
          6. Joining Wikis
          7. Joining Micromessaging Tools
          8. Joining Social News Aggregators
        3. Moderating a Community
          1. Moderating Groups and Mailing Lists
          2. Moderating Forums
          3. Moderating Real-Time Chat Systems
          4. Moderating Social Networks
          5. Moderating Blogs
          6. Moderating Wikis
          7. Moderating Micromessaging Tools
          8. Moderating Social News Aggregators
        4. Running a Community
          1. Running Groups and Mailing Lists
          2. Running Forums
          3. Running Real-Time Chat Systems
          4. Running Social Networks
          5. Running Blogs
          6. Running Wikis
            1. Incipient links
            2. What operating a wiki can show you
          7. Running Micromessaging Tools
          8. Running Social News Aggregators
        5. Putting It All Together
        6. Measuring Communities and Outcomes
          1. Single Impression
          2. Read Content
          3. Used the Site
          4. Returning
          5. Enrolled
          6. Engaged
          7. Spreading
          8. Converted
        7. Reporting the Data
          1. What’s in a Community Report?
          2. The Mechanics of Tracking the Long Funnel
            1. Custom URLs
            2. The three-step personal invite
            3. Using campaign URLs and URL shortening
            4. Facebook and other multisite trackers
        8. Responding to the Community
          1. Join the Conversation
          2. Amplify the Conversation
          3. Make the Conversation Personal
        9. Community Listening Platforms
          1. How Listening Tools Find the Conversations
          2. How Tools Aggregate the Content
            1. River of news to tap into the feed
            2. Keyword summary to see what’s being discussed
            3. Influencer scores to see who’s got clout
            4. Threading and drill-down to look at the people
            5. Graphs over time to understand how much
            6. Sentiment analysis to understand tone and mood
          3. How Tools Manage the Response
        10. Community Monitoring Maturity Model
      5. 15. Internally Focused Communities
        1. Knowledge Management Strategies
        2. Internal Community Platform Examples
          1. Chat
          2. Social Networks
          3. Wikis
          4. Micromessaging Tools
          5. Social News Aggregators
        3. The Internal Community Monitoring Maturity Model
      6. 16. What Are They Plotting?: Watching Your Competitors
        1. Watching Competitors’ Sites
        2. Do I Have Competitors I Don’t Know About?
        3. Are They Getting More Traffic?
        4. Do They Have a Better Reputation?
          1. PageRank
          2. SEO Ranking
          3. Technorati
        5. Are Their Sites Healthier Than Mine?
        6. Is Their Marketing and Branding Working Better?
        7. Are Their Sites Easier to Use or Better Designed?
        8. Have They Made Changes I Can Use?
        9. Preparing a Competitive Report
          1. What’s in a Weekly Competitive Report
          2. Communicating Competitive Information
        10. Competitive Monitoring Maturity Model
    6. V. Putting It All Together
      1. 17. Putting It All Together
        1. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify
        2. Drill Down and Drill Up
        3. Visualization
        4. Segmentation
        5. Efficient Alerting
        6. Getting It All in the Same Place
          1. Unified Provider
          2. Data Warehouse
            1. Merging visitor data: The mega-record
            2. ETL: Getting the data into the warehouse
          3. The Single Pane of Glass: Mashups
            1. Browser mashup
            2. Desktop mashup
            3. Site mashup
            4. Roll your own mashup
            5. Building a feed with Yahoo! Pipes
            6. Comparing apples to apples
          4. Alerting Systems
        7. Tying Together Offsite and Onsite Data
          1. Visitor Self-Identification
          2. Using Shared Keys
      2. 18. What’s Next?: The Future of Web Monitoring
        1. Accounting and Optimization
        2. From Visits to Visitors
          1. Personal Identity Is Credibility
        3. From Pages to Places and Tasks
        4. Mobility
          1. Blurring Offline and Online Analytics
        5. Standardization
        6. Agencies Versus Individuals
        7. Monetizing Analytics
          1. Carriers
          2. Search Engines
          3. URL Shorteners
          4. Social Networks
          5. SaaS Providers
        8. A Holistic View
          1. The Move to a Long Funnel
        9. A Complete Maturity Model
        10. A Complete Perspective
        11. The Unfinished Ending
    7. A. KPIs for the Four Types of Site
      1. Tailoring the Monitoring Mix to Media Sites
        1. How Much Did Visitors Benefit My Business?
        2. Where Is My Traffic Coming from?
        3. What’s Working Best (and Worst)?
        4. How Good Is My Relationship with My Users?
        5. How Healthy Is My Infrastructure?
        6. How Am I Doing Against the Competition?
        7. Where Are My Risks?
        8. What Are People Saying About Me?
        9. How Are My Site and Content Being Used Elsewhere?
      2. Tailoring the Monitoring Mix to Transactional Sites
        1. How Much Did Visitors Benefit My Business?
        2. Where Is My Traffic Coming from, and Why?
        3. What’s Working Best (and Worst)?
        4. How Good Is My Relationship with My Users?
        5. How Healthy Is My Infrastructure?
        6. How Am I Doing Against the Competition?
        7. Where Are My Risks?
        8. What Are People Saying About Me?
        9. How Are My Site and Content Being Used Elsewhere?
      3. Tailoring the Monitoring Mix to Collaborative Sites
        1. How Much Did Visitors Benefit My Business?
        2. Where Is My Traffic Coming from?
        3. What’s Working Best (and Worst)?
        4. How Good Is My Relationship with My Users?
        5. How Healthy Is My Infrastructure?
        6. How Am I Doing Against the Competition?
        7. Where Are My Risks?
        8. What Are People Saying About Me?
        9. How Are My Site and Content Being Used Elsewhere?
      4. Tailoring the Monitoring Mix to SaaS Sites
        1. How Much Did Visitors Benefit My Business?
        2. Where Is My Traffic Coming from?
        3. What’s Working Best (and Worst)?
        4. How Good Is My Relationship with My Users?
        5. How Healthy Is My Infrastructure?
        6. How Am I Doing Against the Competition?
        7. Where Are My Risks?
        8. What Are People Saying About Me?
        9. How Are My Site and Content Being Used Elsewhere?
    8. Index
    9. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: Complete Web Monitoring
  • Author(s): Alistair Croll, Sean Power
  • Release date: June 2009
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596551353