Compendium of Icebreakers Volume 2 Connections: 125 Activities for Faultless Training

Book description

Are you maximizing every opportunity to connect with participants before, during and after training? This is the focus of these 125 tested and proven-effective activities for trainers. The activities are grouped under five critical points of contact trainers have with participants * Making Contact Before the Workshop includes activities a trainer can do after the participants are identified or selected * Saying Hello at the Beginning of the Workshop presents activities for introducing the trainer, clarifying objectives and expectations, helping participants get better acquainted and leading warm-up activities * Making Transitions Within the Workshop offers activities for building on what participants have learned from the workshop and one another * Saying Goodbye at the End of the Workshop focuses on activities that help participants review what has been learned, develop a plan of action, celebrate and receive awards * Following Up After the Workshop includes strategies for reinforcing what participants have learned and ensuring continuous learning. Based on the principles of accelerated and adult learning, the activities have sound objectives and are fun with some utilizing all the senses. The activities are formatted for easy use with clearly marked objectives.

Table of contents

  1. Compendium of Icebreakers Volume 2 Connections: 125 Activities for Faultless Training
    1. Copyright
    2. Introduction: Making Connections
    3. Connecting Point 1: Making Contact Before the Workshop
      1. 1.1 Pre-Workshop Meeting
      2. 1.2 Self-Assessment
      3. 1.3 Welcome to the Workshop
      4. 1.4 Pre-Workshop Assignments
    4. Connecting Point 2: Saying Hello at the Beginning of the Workshop
      1. Chapter 1: Introducing the Trainer (1/3)
      2. Chapter 1: Introducing the Trainer (2/3)
      3. Chapter 1: Introducing the Trainer (3/3)
        1. 2.1 Hello! My Name Is...
        2. 2.2 The Interview
        3. 2.3 Let Me Introduce You To...
        4. 2.4 Ask Me
      4. Chapter 2: Clarifying Expectations and Objectives (1/4)
      5. Chapter 2: Clarifying Expectations and Objectives (2/4)
      6. Chapter 2: Clarifying Expectations and Objectives (3/4)
      7. Chapter 2: Clarifying Expectations and Objectives (4/4)
        1. 2.5 Goals, Objectives, and Guidelines
        2. 2.6 Around the Circle
        3. 2.7 Why Are You Here?
        4. 2.8 The Magic Box
        5. 2.9 Where Would You Rather Be?
        6. 2.10 Folding Arms
        7. 2.11 Issues and Obstacles
      8. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (1/14)
      9. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (2/14)
      10. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (3/14)
      11. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (4/14)
      12. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (5/14)
      13. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (6/14)
      14. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (7/14)
      15. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (8/14)
      16. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (9/14)
      17. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (10/14)
      18. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (11/14)
      19. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (12/14)
      20. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (13/14)
      21. Chapter 3: Who Are You? (14/14)
        1. 2.12 You Ought To Be in Pictures!
        2. 2.13 My Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
        3. 2.14 Anchors
        4. 2.15 Three Truths, One Lie
        5. 2.16 The Exhibit Hall
        6. 2.17 Résumé
        7. 2.18 The Name Tag
        8. 2.19 The People Hunt
        9. 2.20 What's in Your Wallet or Purse?
        10. 2.21 Where Are You From?
        11. 2.22 My Family Shield
        12. 2.23 Here's My Card
        13. 2.24 What's in a Name?
        14. 2.25 Name Your Uniqueness
        15. 2.26 I See Myself As...
        16. 2.27 You Can't Tell a Book by Its Cover
        17. 2.28 First Impressions
        18. 2.29 Sticky Characteristics
        19. 2.30 The Sandwich Board
        20. 2.31 Are You More...?
        21. 2.32 The Movie Screen
        22. 2.33 Feelings Wheel
        23. 2.34 Meet My Orange
      22. Chapter 4: Who Are We? (1/4)
      23. Chapter 4: Who Are We? (2/4)
      24. Chapter 4: Who Are We? (3/4)
      25. Chapter 4: Who Are We? (4/4)
        1. 2.35 20 Questions
        2. 2.36 My Name Is...
        3. 2.37 Name-go
        4. 2.38 I'd Like You to Meet
        5. 2.39 Tell Us More!
        6. 2.40 How Many Hats Do We Wear?
        7. 2.41 Self-Sort
        8. 2.42 What's Your Sign?
      26. Chapter 5: Dipping into the Content (1/4)
      27. Chapter 5: Dipping into the Content (2/4)
      28. Chapter 5: Dipping into the Content (3/4)
      29. Chapter 5: Dipping into the Content (4/4)
        1. 2.43 The Pre-Test
        2. 2.44 I Know... I Don't Know...
        3. 2.45 Best/Worst
        4. 2.46 Make It Rhyme
        5. 2.47 Meet My Leader
        6. 2.48 Add to the Story
        7. 2.49 Four Corners
        8. 2.50 Line Up and Be Counted
        9. 2.51 Getting to Know You
    5. Connecting Point 3: Making Transitions within the Workshop
      1. Chapter 6: Looking Back (1/4)
      2. Chapter 6: Looking Back (2/4)
      3. Chapter 6: Looking Back (3/4)
      4. Chapter 6: Looking Back (4/4)
        1. 3.1 Reviewing Expectations and Goals
        2. 3.2 The Koosh Ball Game
        3. 3.3 Word Scrabble
        4. 3.4 Review and Clarification
        5. 3.5 Peaks and Valleys
        6. 3.6 Ah Ha, Ho Ho, Oh Oh
        7. 3.7 Walk and Talk
      5. Chapter 7: Let’s Get Moving (1/3)
      6. Chapter 7: Let’s Get Moving (2/3)
      7. Chapter 7: Let’s Get Moving (3/3)
        1. 3.8 Let It Go!
        2. 3.9 Baking Bread in the Ol' Factory
        3. 3.10 The Circle Massage
        4. 3.11 All My Friends
        5. 3.12 People to People
      8. Chapter 8: Sharing Positive Feedback (1/3)
      9. Chapter 8: Sharing Positive Feedback (2/3)
      10. Chapter 8: Sharing Positive Feedback (3/3)
        1. 3.13 Stroke Collection
        2. 3.14 Lovely Labels
        3. 3.15 The Gift
        4. 3.16 Thank You For...
        5. 3.17 Appreciation Circle
      11. Chapter 9: Building Your Team (1/4)
      12. Chapter 9: Building Your Team (2/4)
      13. Chapter 9: Building Your Team (3/4)
      14. Chapter 9: Building Your Team (4/4)
        1. 3.18 Knitting a Web
        2. 3.19 Team Symbol
        3. 3.20 Team Banner
        4. 3.21 The Machine
        5. 3.22 The Builders
        6. 3.23 Sinking Ship
        7. 3.24 The Trust Walk
        8. 3.25 The Tie-Up
      15. Chapter 10: Regrouping Techniques (1/5)
      16. Chapter 10: Regrouping Techniques (2/5)
      17. Chapter 10: Regrouping Techniques (3/5)
      18. Chapter 10: Regrouping Techniques (4/5)
      19. Chapter 10: Regrouping Techniques (5/5)
        1. 3.26 Potpourri
        2. 3.27 Numbers or Colors
        3. 3.28 Mix and Mingle
        4. 3.29 I'm Great and So Are You
        5. 3.30 Meet and Match
        6. 3.31 Team Signal
        7. 3.32 The Diversity Mix
        8. 3.33 The Five-Course Meal
    6. Connecting Point 4: Saying Goodbye at the End of the Workshop
      1. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (1/10)
      2. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (2/10)
      3. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (3/10)
      4. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (4/10)
      5. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (5/10)
      6. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (6/10)
      7. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (7/10)
      8. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (8/10)
      9. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (9/10)
      10. Chapter 11: Review and Action Planning (10/10)
        1. 4.1 Workshop Evaluation
        2. 4.2 My Personal Learning Goal
        3. 4.3 I Learned and Plan To...
        4. 4.4 Highs and Lows
        5. 4.5 Four Pictures
        6. 4.6 Summing Up
        7. 4.7 Looking Back and Planning Ahead
        8. 4.8 Self Contract
        9. 4.9 Dear Me
        10. 4.10 Dear Boss
        11. 4.11 Setting Personal, Interpersonal, and Organizational Goals
        12. 4.12 Setting My Goal
        13. 4.13 Evaluating My Goals
        14. 4.14 A Step-by-Step Action Plan
      11. Chapter 12: Coming Home (1/2)
      12. Chapter 12: Coming Home (2/2)
        1. 4.15 The Re-entry
        2. 4.16 Hi! I'm Back!
      13. Chapter 13: Closing Ceremonies (1/7)
      14. Chapter 13: Closing Ceremonies (2/7)
      15. Chapter 13: Closing Ceremonies (3/7)
      16. Chapter 13: Closing Ceremonies (4/7)
      17. Chapter 13: Closing Ceremonies (5/7)
      18. Chapter 13: Closing Ceremonies (6/7)
      19. Chapter 13: Closing Ceremonies (7/7)
        1. 4.17 Let's Celebrate!
        2. 4.18 Creative Prizes
        3. 4.19 Certificate of Participation
        4. 4.20 Certificate of Appreciation
        5. 4.21 Certificate of Self-Appreciation
        6. 4.22 Team Awards
        7. 4.23 The Closing Circle
        8. 4.24 Let's Sing!
        9. 4.25 The Wiggle Handshake
        10. 4.26 Exclamations!
        11. 4.27 Final Words
        12. 4.28 I Think You Are...
        13. 4.29 Card Line-Up
    7. Connecting Point 5: Following Up after the Workshop
      1. 5.1 The Name Exchange
      2. 5.2 The Postcard
      3. 5.3 Support Groups
      4. 5.4 You'll Be Hearing from Me
      5. 5.5 Success Is up to You!
      6. 5.6 Follow-Up Evaluation
      7. 5.7 Support from Your Boss
      8. 5.8 Follow-Up Letter to Your Client or Program Sponsor

Product information

  • Title: Compendium of Icebreakers Volume 2 Connections: 125 Activities for Faultless Training
  • Author(s): Lois B. Hart
  • Release date: August 2007
  • Publisher(s): HRD Press
  • ISBN: 9781599960685