Communication Skills Training

Book description

Communication Skills Training offers all the resources and tools needed to design effective communication skills training. Use this complete guide to design presentation, negotiation, conflict resolution, or assertiveness skills for group or work teams or design interpersonal communication training for an entire organization. The book includes a fully developed set of PowerPoint slides, handouts, learning activities, and facilitators guide for one-half, full, and two-day training programs.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. The ASTD Trainer’s WorkShop Series
  3. Preface
  4. 1. Introduction: How to Use This Book Effectively
    1. The Importance of Self-Preparation for the Facilitator
    2. Understanding the Differences in Communication Styles
    3. How to Use This Workbook
    4. What’s on the CD?
    5. Icons
    6. What to Do Next
  5. 2. Identifying Communication Needs Within an Organization
    1. Understanding the Impact of Diversity on an Organization
    2. How Communication Can Affect Organizational Dynamics
    3. Workplace Relationships
      1. Individual Communication
      2. Team Communication
      3. Departmental Communication
      4. Interdepartmental Communication
      5. Upward vs. Downward Communication
      6. Internal vs. External Communication
    4. Surveying Participants and Assessing Needs
    5. What to Do Next
  6. 3. Designing Your Communication Skills Workshop
    1. Purpose and Goals of Your Training Program
      1. Workshop Purpose and Goals
      2. Program Design Goals
    2. Basic Instructional Design
      1. Determine Learning Objectives
      2. Streamlining Oral and Written Information
      3. Incorporating Different Learning Styles
      4. Selecting and Developing Program Content
    3. Preparing the Environment for Learning
    4. Training Materials
    5. What to Do Next
  7. 4. Facilitating Your Communication Skills Workshop
    1. Preparations for the Workshop
    2. Facilitator Materials
    3. Participant Materials
      1. Handouts
      2. Powerpoint Presentations and Overhead Slide Masters
      3. CD-ROMs
      4. Workbooks and Journals
      5. Videos
      6. Toys and Noisemakers
    4. Facilitator Responsibilities
    5. Welcome and Introduction
    6. Responding to Questions
    7. Why Things Go Bad
    8. What to Do Next
  8. 5. Evaluating Your Communication Skills Workshop
    1. Why Evaluate Your Program?
    2. What to Evaluate and How to Do It
      1. Role Plays
      2. Participant Presentations
      3. Ball Toss
      4. Journaling
    3. When to Evaluate Your Program
    4. Participants’ Follow-Up Evaluation
    5. What to Do Next
  9. 6. One-Hour Session: Communications Overview
    1. Objectives of the One-Hour Session
    2. Materials
    3. Using the CD
    4. Sample Agenda
    5. What to Do Next
  10. 7. Half-Day Communication Skills Workshop
    1. Objectives of the Half-Day Session
    2. Materials
    3. Using the CD
    4. Sample Agenda
    5. What to Do Next
  11. 8. Full-Day Communication Skills Workshop
    1. Objectives of the Full-Day Session
    2. Materials
    3. Using the CD
    4. Preparation
    5. Sample Agenda
    6. What to Do Next
  12. 9. Two-Day Communication Skills Workshop
    1. Objectives of the Two-Day Session
    2. Materials
    3. Using the CD
    4. Sample Agenda
    5. What to Do Next
  13. 10. Learning Activities
    1. Learning Activity 10-1: Icebreaker: Getting to Know You
      1. Objectives
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Variation
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    2. Learning Activity 10-2: Understanding Yourself
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Preparation
      5. Instructions
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    3. Learning Activity 10-3: Icebreaker: Life Is Just a Bowl of Candies
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    4. Learning Activity 10-4: The Listening Stick
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    5. Learning Activity 10-5: Active Listening Role Play
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Variation
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    6. Learning Activity 10-6: Visual Listening
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Preparation
      5. Instructions
      6. Variation
      7. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    7. Learning Activity 10-7: One on One
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Preparation
      5. Instructions
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    8. Learning Activity 10-8: Icebreaker: Class Reunion
      1. Objectives
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    9. Learning Activity 10-9: Interpersonal Skills
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    10. Learning Activity 10-10: I Want It!
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    11. Learning Activity 10-11: Ten Questions About Conflict
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    12. Learning Activity 10-12: Persuasion
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    13. Learning Activity 10-13: Persuasion Strategy
      1. Objectives
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Variation
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    14. Learning Activity 10-14: Negotiation Outcomes
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    15. Learning Activity 10-15: Feedback Experience
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Preparation
      5. Instructions
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    16. Learning Activity 10-16: Johari Window
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Preparation
      5. Instructions
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    17. Learning Activity 10-17: Assertiveness—Making Your Case
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Preparation
      5. Instructions
      6. Variation
      7. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    18. Learning Activity 10-18: Vocal Exercises
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Instructions
      5. Variation
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    19. Learning Activity 10-19: Storytelling
      1. Objectives
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Preparation
      5. Instructions
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
    20. Learning Activity 10-20: Analogies
      1. Objective
      2. Materials
      3. Time
      4. Preparation
      5. Instructions
      6. Discussion Questions for Debriefing
  14. 11. Assessments
  15. 12. Tools
  16. Using the Compact Disc
    1. Contents of the CD
    2. Computer Requirements
    3. Printing From the CD
      1. Text Files
      2. Powerpoint Slides
    4. Adapting the PowerPoint Slides
    5. Showing the PowerPoint Presentations
  17. For Further Reading
  18. About the Authors
  19. Communication Skills Training

Product information

  • Title: Communication Skills Training
  • Author(s): Maureen Orey, Jenni Prisk
  • Release date: November 2004
  • Publisher(s): Association for Talent Development
  • ISBN: 1562863711