Figures in square brackets relate to the entries in the Notes section at the end of the book.
Along California’s Highway 49, tucked away in a beautiful valley in the Sierra Nevada foothills, is the tiny town of Coloma. Running through the centre of the village is a fork of the American River where, on 24 January 1848, James Marshall found some gold flakes in the streambed, sparking one of history’s largest human migrations.
Unless otherwise referenced, all data in this chapter was sourced from the annual BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2006.
Figures for the USA are for 2003, UK is for 2004; other fuels include geothermal, solar, wind power and biomass. Figures may not add up to 100% due to rounding differences.
Unless otherwise referenced, the data in this chapter has been sourced from the Commodity Refiner, published in the fourth quarter of 2006 by Barclays Capital.
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