
Page references in bold indicate figures and tables.

Aalborg Libraries 197, 207–8, 209, 210

Aars library 205

academic incubators 186

accelerators: characteristics of 4; collaborative spaces as 52

active citizenship 207

Actor-Network Theory 65, 116, 122

aesthetic experience of third places 148–49, 151, 154–56

aesthetic perceptions 148–49

aesthetics 148

Android 129

artifacts: immanent 70, 70–72, 79; infrastructural 70, 72–74; organizational experiences affected by 67; practical 70, 74–77; space–time regulation 69–77, 70; summary of 78–79

asynchronous tasks 123

Atelier des Vosges 162, 164

Atelier Nawak 160–74

autonomy 2

AWARE platform 130


Becker, Howard 172

behavioral engagement 59

Betahaus 51

Blain, Christophe 163, 171

bottom-up governance ...

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