Chapter 10. Single-Region Deployment

In this chapter, we will describe the steps required to set up a self-hosted CockroachDB cluster.

If you’ve decided to use—or are already using—a CockroachDB Dedicated or Serverless deployment, then congratulations! You can safely skip over this chapter. However, if you’re deploying on your own hardware or on a cloud platform, you have some work to do, and this chapter describes that work.

CockroachDB is not difficult to install, but distributed systems have more moving parts than other software products, so it may seem more difficult than—for example—installing MySQL or PostgreSQL.

CockroachDB installation instructions can change with each release, and there are some edge cases that we don’t have space for in this chapter, so make sure that you check out the “Production Checklist” and “Manual Deployment” pages in the CockroachDB docs.

In this chapter, we will focus on the tasks involved in deploying to a single region. In Chapter 12, we’ll extend to the additional considerations involved in a multiregion deployment.

Deploying On-Premise or On-Cloud

For the on-premise parts of this section, we are deploying a three-node CockroachDB cluster on Ubuntu servers, with a fourth Ubuntu node running a load balancer. The CockroachDB nodes are called gubuntu1, gubuntu2, and gubuntu3. The load balancer is mubuntu. Each node has a cockroachdb user installed, and the CockroachDB binaries already installed in /usr/local/bin. We’ll be using a fifth machine—a ...

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