33 The role of mindfulness in coaching

Jonathan Passmore & Oberdan Marianetti


In this article we explore the concept of mindfulness as a tool for helping both coaches and coachees. We argue that the coaching practice of the coach can be enhanced through using mindfulness as a preparation tool. We highlight research evidence on the impact of mindfulness in managing stress and contributing towards improved performance. We argue that coachees too can benefit when the coach shares these techniques with the coachee.


Coaching psychology; Roger’s necessary and sufficient conditions; mindfulness; meditation; emotional detachment; performance at work; focus; managing stress; managing emotions and breathing.

Original publication details: Passmore, J., & Marianetti, O. (2007, December). The role of mindfulness in coaching. The Coaching Psychologist, 3(3), 131–137. Reproduced with permission of The British Psychological Society.

The challenge of developing and maintaining focus is one which has been raised in the coaching and counselling literature (Passmore, 2007a & 2007b). The coach can often see a number of coachees during the course of a day and need to balance these demands with the many other demands of a consultant psychologist. The recent BBC TV comedy series, Help, joked about the therapist thinking about his shopping list as he nodded and pretended to listen to his client. As this sketch suggests we often struggle to maintain the single-minded focus which ...

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