Coaching & Mentoring For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Book description

Inspire people to perform at their best in any workplace environment

Coaching & Mentoring For Dummies is the playbook to help supervisors change their role from doer/manager to coach/mentor. Leadership and coaching expert Leo MacLeod, shares the secrets of motivating employees to find purpose in their work and grow as independent problem solvers—without micromanaging them. Written for today’s changing workplace, the book provides guidance on leading diverse teams, working with younger generations and working remotely. Business is built on relationships, especially in today’s global economy. Coaching and mentoring are more important than ever. This readable guide provides you with the skills to strengthen connections and pass on useful knowledge that will help teams elevate their productivity and quality of work.

  • Gain or improve the coaching skills that drive employee performance and commitment in diverse workforces
  • Encourage colleagues to deliver results and guide employees to think for themselves
  • Motivate teams both in person and virtually, and navigate intergenerational issues
  • Be a sounding board for others and get the best out of your teams
  • Foster mentoring relationships that help employees grow and stay engaged in their careers.

This is the perfect Dummies guide for anyone who wants to learn the best practices of coaching and mentorship in today’s diverse, digital world.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Introduction
    1. About This Book
    2. Foolish Assumptions
    3. Icons Used in This Book
    4. Beyond This Book
    5. Where to Go from Here
  5. Part 1: Getting Started with Coaching and Mentoring
    1. Chapter 1: Understanding Coaching and Mentoring: Just the Basics
      1. Getting the Lowdown on Business Coaching
      2. Differentiating between Coaching and Mentoring
    2. Chapter 2: Switching from Doer to Coach
      1. Managing as a Coach versus as a Doer
      2. De-coding the Doer Culture
      3. Appreciating Your New Role as a Coach and not a Doer
    3. Chapter 3: Finding the Time to Stay Connected
      1. Using Your Time — Coaches versus Doers
      2. Recognizing What’s Important and Urgent
      3. Delegate, Ignore, Shrink (DIS)
      4. Scheduling in Blocks and Sticking to Your Calendar
      5. Focusing on One-on-One Meetings
      6. Building Connections — The How-To
    4. Chapter 4: Laying a Foundation That Builds Commitment
      1. Distinguishing between Personal versus Positional Influence
      2. Seeking Commitment versus Compliance in Today’s Workforce
      3. Managing as a Tone Setter
      4. Examining the Collaborative and Assertive Nature of Coaching
      5. Looking at an Example of Leave ’Em Alone
      6. Introducing the Five Pillars for Building Commitment
    5. Chapter 5: Leveraging Emotional Intelligence
      1. Understanding What EQ Is
      2. Developing Self-Awareness
      3. Understanding Your Emotions
      4. Handling Situations — Self-Management
      5. Relating Well to Others — Social-Awareness
      6. Leveraging Relationship Management
      7. EQ and the Five Pillars of Commitment
  6. Part 2: Facing the Changing Workplace
    1. Chapter 6: Accepting Change
      1. Understanding What Has Changed and What Will Change
      2. Recognizing How Covid-19 Changed the Way People Work
      3. Embracing Change
      4. Designing for a Changing Workplace
      5. Looking at Change and the Pillars of Commitment
    2. Chapter 7: Coaching for Diversity
      1. Defining Diversity
      2. Inviting Others to the Party
      3. Being Aware of Assumptions — Trouble Ahead
      4. Focusing on Performance and Behaviors
    3. Chapter 8: Bridging Generational Differences
      1. Defining Generational Differences
      2. Avoiding the Trap of Generation-Casting
      3. Figuring Out How to Connect Generational Differences
      4. Understanding the Role of Values
  7. Part 3: Motivating and Empowering Your Staff
    1. Chapter 9: Fueling Employee Motivation
      1. Calling for Action: Understanding Motivation
      2. Show Me the Money: Pay as a Motivator
      3. Identifying What Really Motivates People
      4. Understanding Yourself as a Manager
    2. Chapter 10: Implementing Key Strategies to Motivate Your Employees
      1. Focusing on Performance
      2. Matching Business Needs to Employee Needs
      3. Understanding What’s Unique about People
      4. Building Pillars of Commitment
    3. Chapter 11: Teaching by Asking Questions
      1. Tapping the Power of Asking
      2. Using Questions: When and When Not To
      3. Asking Coaching Questions: The How-To
      4. Facilitate and Listen (Don’t Dominate or Vacillate)
      5. Handling Challenging Bumps along the Road
      6. The Case of Coaching with Questions
      7. Impacting the Pillars of Commitment
    4. Chapter 12: Building Career Self-Reliance
      1. Planning for Changes — Everything from Rightsizing to Downsizing
      2. Being an Advocate to Build Self-Reliance
      3. Setting a Vision
      4. Coaching for Progress
      5. Sharpening Your Employees’ Skills
      6. Influencing the Pillars of Commitment
  8. Part 4: Coaching for Performance and Growth
    1. Chapter 13: Delegating and Empowering
      1. Delegating 101 — Just the Basics
      2. Knowing What to Delegate
      3. Matching Employees to Tasks
      4. Putting the Delegating Tool into Action
      5. Handling Employee Resistance
      6. Using Delegating to Build the Pillars of Commitment
    2. Chapter 14: Giving Constructive Feedback
      1. Using Constructive Feedback versus Praise and Criticism
      2. Providing Constructive Feedback: A Step-by-Step Guide
      3. Focusing on the Discussion after Giving Feedback
      4. Building the Pillars of Commitment through Feedback
    3. Chapter 15: Setting Performance and Development Goals
      1. Understanding the Importance of Planning for Everyone
      2. Defining the Three Types of Goals
      3. Creating SMART Goals
      4. Mutually Setting Goals
      5. Planning Goals — The Keys to Success
      6. Helping Build the Pillars of Commitment
    4. Chapter 16: Taking the Pain Out of Employee Reviews
      1. Relaxing about Performance Reviews
      2. Starting with Status-Review Meetings
      3. Following up with Checkups
      4. Conducting a Project Postmortem
      5. Building the Pillars of Commitment
    5. Chapter 17: Coaching for Development and Improvement
      1. Knowing What to Develop
      2. Coaching for Development
      3. Coaching Underperformance
      4. Building on the Pillars of Commitment
  9. Part 5: Mentoring for Life
    1. Chapter 18: Mastering Mentoring
      1. Understanding How Coaching Differs from Mentoring
      2. Avoiding the Pitfalls of Mentoring
      3. Taking the Right Steps
      4. Using the Two Tools of Mentoring
      5. Building the Pillars of Commitment
    2. Chapter 19: Building a Support Team
      1. Encouraging Them to Look Elsewhere to Meet Their Needs
      2. Identifying What Employees Need
      3. Differentiating between Allies, Advocates, and Optimists
      4. Finding Support
      5. Identifying Keys to Successful Mentoring
  10. Part 6: The Part of Tens
    1. Chapter 20: Ten (or So) Surprises for You
      1. Change in Behavior Takes Time
      2. You’ll Grow as a Coach over Time
      3. You Can Do Only So Much
      4. You May Like It
      5. Your Friends and Partners Will Appreciate You More
      6. Your Employees Become Coaches
      7. You’ll Discover Something New
      8. Everything Changes
      9. You May Find a Second Career
    2. Chapter 21: Ten (or So) Coaching Myths Debunked
      1. You Can’t Afford the Time to Coach
      2. Coaching Is Only about Being Nice to Employees
      3. Everyone Needs to Support Coaching
      4. Coaching Means Seeking Consensus on Every Decision You Make
      5. If You Hire Good People, Coaching Isn’t Really Necessary
      6. Employees Have to Ask for Coaching in Order to Be Receptive to It
      7. Coaching Collaboratively Doesn’t Work When You Have a Disagreement
      8. Coaching Involves Being Direct — People Don’t Like That
      9. You Have to Be a Psychologist to Coach Employees
  11. Index
  12. About the Author
  13. Connect with Dummies
  14. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Coaching & Mentoring For Dummies, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Leo MacLeod, Marty Brounstein
  • Release date: July 2023
  • Publisher(s): For Dummies
  • ISBN: 9781394181179