Chapter 19. Sustainability: FinOps Partnering with GreenOps

Over the past couple of years, there has been a big increase in the focus and awareness on sustainability as it relates to cloud consumption, with cloud providers and cloud teams everywhere suddenly talking about measuring and reducing their cloud carbon footprint.

Sustainability as a discipline has three major pillars: environmental, social, and economic. The focus in this chapter will be on the environmental pillar as it relates to emissions from cloud data centers.

We will cover why this matters to a FinOps practitioner later in this chapter, but first consider why your organization should care. The deeper focus organizations are putting on the carbon footprint of their digital services is driven by pressures coming from a number of important internal and external stakeholders:

  • Investors and shareholders are pushing CEOs and board members to hold them accountable for their overall emissions, driven by ESG (environmental, social, and governance) initiatives and the impact of publicly reported measures of sustainability.

  • Governments are tightening environmental reporting requirements and regulations, so there is less ability for greenwashing (falsely claiming or promoting that a company is more environmentally friendly than it actually is) and more focus on action.

  • Customers are increasingly making buying decisions on ethical grounds including the sustainability practices of the companies they are considering.

  • Employees ...

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