

ABAC (attribute-based access control), 243

absorption in wireless technologies, 198

access audits for facilities, 385–386

access control

authentication. See authentication

CPTED, 174

IAM. See identity and access management (IAM)

media, 316

accidental threats, 71


description, 12

overview, 231–232


access review, 249–250

deprovisioning, 246–247

registration, 246

security process data, 274

accuracy in threat intelligence, 299

acoustical detection systems, 384

acquired software security, 416–420

acquisition phase in SDLC, 394

actors, threat, 58–59, 71–72

ad hoc networks, 199

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 189

administrative access in cloud-based systems, 145

administrative controls, 65

administrative investigations, ...

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