Chapter 2Circuit Analysis for PEEC Methods
2.1 Circuit Analysis Techniques
The fundamental concepts in this book are based on circuit and electromagnetic (EM) theories. We formulate as much as possible in the circuit domain since it adds additional capabilities and flexibilities to the solution techniques.
In this chapter, we introduce the circuit techniques relevant to this book. As was stated in the introduction in Chapter 1, Maxwell's equations can be represented in terms of equivalent circuits. The circuit solution techniques presented in this chapter are clearly oriented toward EM and relevant circuits (Ckt) problems. We also show how circuit techniques have advantages for the solution of EM problems. Also, mathematical techniques such as the numerical solution of differential equations (DE) must be included in circuit approaches.
It is generally understood that learning EM techniques is not easy. However, we hope that our circuit-oriented approach facilitates the introduction of the new concepts. Today, many excellent books are available on circuit theory [1–6] and many SPICE-type solvers [7] are based on these techniques.
Another key issue is that a large part of the problems of interest include combinations of Ckt and EM problems. Hence, it is a very important issue that the bridge between Ckt and EM parts be seamless. For this reason, the approach we pursue in the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method is to transform the entire problem in rigorous ways, ...
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