Chapter 2Preparing for Printing

Figure 2.1 Milk Jug 3. 5″ x 4″ chrysotype print on Arches Platine paper. © Tony McLean, 1999

Figure 2.1 Milk Jug 3. 5″ x 4″ chrysotype print on Arches Platine paper. © Tony McLean, 1999

Figure 2.2 Confessional, Tudia, Sicily. 8″ x 10″ chrysotype print. © Mike Ware, 1987

Figure 2.2 Confessional, Tudia, Sicily. 8″ x 10″ chrysotype print. © Mike Ware, 1987

Safety First

Regardless of your experience with alternative process photography it’s important to understand the potential hazards associated with chrysotype and take the appropriate safety precautions. General safe handling, storage and disposal information is outlined below and specific information about the hazards associated with ...

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