Chocolate Fortunes: The Battle for the Hearts, Minds, and Wallets of China's Consumers

Book description

Could there be a more intriguing East-meets-West story than one about the introduction of chocolate—that very symbol of Western indulgence—to legendarily austere China?

Table of contents

  1. Contents
  2. Foreword
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Introduction: One Country, Three Centuries (1/2)
  5. Introduction: One Country, Three Centuries (2/2)
  6. Chapter 1 China and Chocolate: East Meets West
    1. China’s Road from Communism to Market Socialism (1/2)
    2. China’s Road from Communism to Market Socialism (2/2)
    3. The Evolution of the Global Chocolate Industry
    4. Chinese and Chocolate: A Foreign and Exotic Curiosity (1/2)
    5. Chinese and Chocolate: A Foreign and Exotic Curiosity (2/2)
    6. The Size of China’s Chocolate Prize
    7. Selling Chocolate
    8. Selling Chocolate in China (1/2)
    9. Selling Chocolate in China (2/2)
  7. Chapter 2 Ferrero Rocher: Accidental Hero
    1. Ferrero’s Journey Along the Modern-Day Silk Road to China
    2. China’s Emancipated Consumers
    3. Establishing a Route-to-Market in China (1/2)
    4. Establishing a Route-to-Market in China (2/2)
    5. Ferrero’s Struggle with Local Copycats (1/2)
    6. Ferrero’s Struggle with Local Copycats (2/2)
    7. Did Ferrero Succeed in China? (1/2)
    8. Did Ferrero Succeed in China? (2/2)
  8. Chapter 3 Cadbury: One Billion Consumers
    1. A Brief History of Cadbury Chocolate
    2. Cadbury China
    3. Cadbury’s China Morass (1/2)
    4. Cadbury’s China Morass (2/2)
    5. Attempting to Turn the Tide
    6. The Battle for Chocolate Bars
    7. The Final Blow: A Breakdown of Leadership
  9. Chapter 4 Hershey: Back to Basics
    1. The Hershey Company
    2. Hershey’s International Business
    3. Hershey China (1/2)
    4. Hershey China (2/2)
    5. The First Season: 1995–1996 (1/2)
    6. The First Season: 1995–1996 (2/2)
    7. The Second Season: 1996–1997 (1/2)
    8. The Second Season: 1996–1997 (2/2)
    9. The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Seasons: 1997–2000 (1/2)
    10. The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Seasons: 1997–2000 (2/2)
    11. The Sixth Season: 2000–2001
    12. Under New Management
    13. Epitaph
  10. Chapter 5 Nestlé: China’s Chocolate War Sideshow
    1. A Brief History of Nestlé
    2. Nestlé’s Arrival in China (1/2)
    3. Nestlé’s Arrival in China (2/2)
    4. The Birth of Nestlé China
    5. Sweating the Assets and Reducing KitKat’s Cost
    6. The Launch of Nestlé Wafer (1/2)
    7. The Launch of Nestlé Wafer (2/2)
    8. In the Shadow of Nestlé Wafer (1/2)
    9. In the Shadow of Nestlé Wafer (2/2)
    10. Nestlé Could Have Been a Contender
    11. The Last Word on Nestlé, Chocolate, and China
  11. Chapter 6 Mars: A Well-Regulated Militia
    1. A Brief History of the Mars Candy Company
    2. Mars’s International Expansion
    3. Mars’s China Market Entry (1/2)
    4. Mars’s China Market Entry (2/2)
    5. Mars Versus Its Big Five Chocolate Competitors
    6. Mars’s Commitment to Market Leadership (1/2)
    7. Mars’s Commitment to Market Leadership (2/2)
  12. Chapter 7 Going the Distance: China’s 10K Chocolate Race
    1. The State of the Chocolate Market: 2008 (1/2)
    2. The State of the Chocolate Market: 2008 (2/2)
    3. The Threat from Local Competitors (1/2)
    4. The Threat from Local Competitors (2/2)
    5. Managing China’s Multitier Market Going Forward
  13. Notes (1/3)
  14. Notes (2/3)
  15. Notes (3/3)
  16. Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. U
    22. V
    23. W
    24. Y
    25. Z

Product information

  • Title: Chocolate Fortunes: The Battle for the Hearts, Minds, and Wallets of China's Consumers
  • Author(s): Lawrence L. Allen
  • Release date: October 2009
  • Publisher(s): AMACOM
  • ISBN: 9780814414323