Chapter 23. Network Policies

The uniqueness of the IP address assigned to a Pod is maintained across all nodes and namespaces. This is accomplished by allocating a dedicated subnet to each registered node during its creation. The Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin handles the leasing of IP addresses from the assigned subnet when a new Pod is created on a node. Consequently, Pods on a node can seamlessly communicate with all other Pods running on any node within the cluster.

Network policies in Kubernetes function similarly to firewall rules, specifically designed for governing Pod-to-Pod communication. These policies include rules specifying the direction of network traffic (ingress and/or egress) for one or multiple Pods within a namespace or across different namespaces. Additionally, these rules define the targeted ports for communication. This fine-grained control enhances security and governs the flow of traffic within the Kubernetes cluster.

Working with Network Policies

Within a Kubernetes cluster, any Pod can talk to any other Pod without restrictions using its IP address or DNS name, even across namespaces. Not only does unrestricted inter-Pod communication pose a potential security risk, it also makes it harder to understand the mental communication model of your architecture. A network policy defines the rules that ...

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