Chapter 15. Troubleshooting Pods and Containers

When operating an application in a production Kubernetes cluster, failures are almost inevitable. You can’t completely leave this job up to the Kubernetes administrator—it’s your responsibility as an application developer to be able to troubleshoot issues for the Kubernetes objects you designed and deployed.

In this chapter, we’ll look at troubleshooting strategies that can help with identifying the root cause of an issue so that you can take action and correct the failure appropriately. The strategies discussed here start with the high-level perspective of a Kubernetes object and then drill into more detail as needed.

Troubleshooting Pods

In most cases, creating a Pod is no issue. You simply emit the run, create, or apply commands to instantiate the Pod. If the YAML manifest is formed properly, Kubernetes accepts your request, so the assumption is that everything works as expected. To verify the correct behavior, the first thing you’ll want to do is to check the Pod’s high-level runtime information. The operation could involve other Kubernetes objects like a Deployment responsible for rolling out multiple replicas of a Pod.

Retrieving High-Level Information

To retrieve the information, run either the kubectl get pods command ...

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