
Accession and negotiation

CEE states, 23–25

complexities of (See Accession complexities)

Copenhagen criteria, 24

euro adoption (See Euro adoption)

financial arrangements, 24

Maastricht Treaty, 25–26

process elements, 24–25

Single European Act of 1986, 25

transitional arrangements, 24

Accession complexities

CEE states, 26–28

EU membership, 26–27

gross domestic product (GDP), 29–30

negotiations, 27

political considerations, 30

positive social changes, 29

Romania state, 28–29

security considerations, 28

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian administration, split in, 110

Dayton Accords, 110

EU membership, 111

government indicators, 108, 111–112

legislative and presidential elections, 111

violence outbreak, 110–111

voter turnout, 111

Bulgaria, 113 ...

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