Image credits

Jim Arbogast (PhotoDisc V131: Workplace) 34

Adam Ciesielski 140 (X-ray image)

Jack Hollingsworth (PhotoDisc V131: Workplace) 142

Iddon, J. and Carpenter, J. 135

Safe access for maintenance and repair.

Guidance for designers second edition 2009, C686, CIRIA, London (ISBN: 978-0-86017-686-2).

Go to:

Interserve Construction Limited 94

N Jones/Probst Handling Equipment 140 (construction images)

Robert Linder 140 (paving images)

Javier Pierini (PhotoDisc V131: Workplace) 8

Photomondo (PhotoDisc V131: Workplace) 2, 16, 74, 98

Scott Brownrigg

Front cover, 24, 31, 43, 78, 79, 81–85, 90–93, 95–96, 136 (top left, bottom), 137, 139

Southampton Solent University 86–89

SSU New Teaching Building images reproduced with kind permission ...

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