
10BASE-2 An older 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet standard that uses a relatively thin coaxial cable that runs to each device, without the need for a networking device. Also known as thinnet.

10BASE-5 An older 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet standard that uses a relatively thick coaxial cable that runs to each device, without the need for a networking device. Also known as thicknet.

10BASE-T The 10-Mbps baseband Ethernet specification using two pairs of twisted-pair cabling (Categories 3, 4, or 5): One pair transmits data and the other receives data. 10BASE-T, which is part of the IEEE 802.3 specification, has a distance limit of approximately 100 m (328 feet) per segment.

100BASE-T A name for the IEEE Fast Ethernet standard that uses two-pair copper ...

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