We are very grateful to Professor June Verner for the support she has given us in her Foreword. We are also very grateful to Professor Verner and Professor Barbara Kitchenham for reviewing an earlier version of the book. Both Professors have contributed enormously to the development of the field of software engineering research and we greatly appreciate their constructive feedback.
This book began as an article in the journal of Empirical Software Engineering and the first two authors (Runeson and Höst) thank the editor of the journal, Professor Lionel Briand, for his encouragement to prepare and submit the article. The first two authors also thank the International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN: for contributing to the development and evaluation of the case study checklists that appear in the original article, and that are reproduced here in Appendix A.
We also thank students at Lund University and Blekinge Institute of Technology for reviewing earlier drafts of this book as a part of a course on case study research: Nauman bin Ali, Elizabeth Bjarnason, Markus Borg, Alexander Cedergren, Ronald Jabangwe, Samireh Jalali, Nils Johansson, Christin Lindholm, Jesper Pedersen Notander, and Michael Unterkalmsteiner.
Several people and organizations were involved in making the example case studies possible. We acknowledge their specific contributions below.
The XP study in Chapter 10 was conducted with main contributions from ...
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