Chapter 15

Following a Sequence, Winning the Series


Bullet Knowing a variety of notations for sequences

Bullet Telling whether a sequence is convergent or divergent

Bullet Expressing series in both sigma notation and expanded notation

Bullet Testing a series for convergence or divergence

Just when you think the semester is winding down, your Calculus II professor introduces a new topic: infinite series.

When you get right down to it, series aren’t really all that difficult. After all, a series is just a bunch of numbers added together. Sure, it happens that this bunch is infinite, but addition is just about the easiest math on the planet.

But then again, the last month of the semester is crunch time. You’re already anticipating final exams and looking forward to a break from studying. By the time you discover that the prof isn’t fooling and really does expect you to know this material, infinite series can lead you down an infinite spiral of despair: Why this? Why now? Why me?

Don’t worry. In this chapter, I show you the basics of series. First, you wade into these new waters slowly by examining ...

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