Chapter 13. File Input/Output

You will learn about the following in this chapter:

  • Operator overloading

  • Functions:

    fopen(), getc(), putc(), exit(), fclose()

    fprintf(), fscanf(), fgets(), fputs()

    rewind(), fseek(), ftell(), fflush()

    fgetpos(), fsetpos(), feof(), ferror()

    ungetc(), setvbuf(), fread(), fwrite()

  • How to process files using C's standard I/O family of functions

  • Text modes and binary modes, text and binary formats, and buffered and nonbuffered I/O

  • Using functions that can access files both sequentially and randomly

Files are essential to today's computer systems. They are used to store programs, documents, data, correspondence, forms, graphics, and myriad other kinds of information. As a programmer, you will have to write programs that create ...

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