Section II—C Operators

C is rich in operators. Table RS.I.1 lists the C operators in order of decreasing precedence and indicates how they associate. All operators are binary (two operands) unless otherwise indicated. Note that some binary and unary operators, such as * (multiplication) and * (indirection), share the same symbol but have different precedence. Following the table are summaries of each operator.

Table RS.I.1. The C Operators
Operators (from high to low precedence) Associativity
++ (postfix) (postfix)( ) [ ] . > L–R
++ (prefix) (prefix) - + ~ !

sizeof * (dereference) & (address)

(type) (all unary)
* / % L–R
+ - (both binary) L–R
<< >> L–R
< > <= >= L–R
== != L–R
& L–R
^ L–R
| L–R
&& L–R
|| L–R
? : (conditional expression) ...

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