... double: "};
14     string string4{"\n           int: "};
15     string string5{"\naddress of int: "};
17     double double1{123.4567};
18     int integer{22};
20     // output strings, double and int to ostringstream outputString
21     outputString << string1 << string2 << string3 << double1       
22        << string4 << integer << string5 << &integer;               
24     // call str to obtain string contents of the ostringstream
25     cout << "outputString contains:\n" << outputString.str(); 
27     // add additional characters and call str to output string
28     outputString << "\nmore characters added";
29     cout << "\n\nafter additional stream insertions,\n" 
30        << "outputString contains:\n" << outputString.str() << endl;
31  }

outputString contains: Output of several data types to an ostringstream object: ...

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