Chapter 11. Other XML Technologies

The System.Xml namespace comprises the following namespaces and core classes:

XmlReader and XmlWriter

High-performance, forward-only cursors for reading or writing an XML stream


Represents an XML document in a W3C-style DOM (obsolete)


Modern LINQ-centric DOM for working with XML (see Chapter 10)


Infrastructure and API for (W3C) XSD schemas


Infrastructure and API (XslCompiledTransform) for performing (W3C) XSLT transformations of XML


Supports the serialization of classes to and from XML (see Chapter 17)

W3C is an abbreviation for World Wide Web Consortium, where the XML standards are defined.

XmlConvert, the static class for parsing and formatting XML strings, is covered in Chapter 6.


XmlReader is a high-performance class for reading an XML stream in a low-level, forward-only manner.

Consider the following XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customer id="123" status="archived">

To instantiate an XmlReader, you call the static XmlReader.Create method, passing in a Stream, a TextReader, or a URI string. For example:

using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create ("customer.xml"))

Because XmlReader lets you read from potentially slow sources (Streams and URIs), it offers asynchronous versions of most of its methods so that you can easily ...

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