C# 5.0 Unleashed

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C# 5.0 Unleashed is for anyone who wants to learn the C# programming language in depth, understanding how language features truly work. While giving you those insights, you learn where and how to use the features to design various kinds of software. This book not only teaches the language’s capabilities, it also looks behind the scenes to build a solid foundation to aid you in understanding the .NET platform as a whole.


Bart De Smet offers exceptional insight into the features of both the language and Microsoft’s broader framework. He doesn’t just cover the “what” and “how” of effective C# programming: He explains the “why,” so you can consistently choose the right language and platform features, maximizing your efficiency and effectiveness.


The early chapters introduce the .NET platform, the tooling ecosystem, and the C# programming language, followed by in-depth coverage of the C# programming language itself, with immediate application of language features. The last chapters give an overview of the .NET Framework libraries about which every good developer on the platform should know.

  • Understand the .NET platform: its language support, libraries, tools, and more

  • Learn where C# fits, how it has evolved, and where it’s headed

  • Master essential language features including expressions, operators, types, objects, and methods

  • Efficiently manage exceptions and resources

  • Write more effective C# object-oriented code

  • Make the most of generics, collections, delegates, reflection, and other advanced language features

  • Use LINQ to express queries for any form of data

  • Master dynamic programming techniques built on .NET’s Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)

  • Work with namespaces, assemblies, and application domains

  • Write more efficient code using threading, synchronization, and advanced parallel programming techniques

  • Leverage the Base Class Library (BCL) to quickly perform many common tasks

  • Instrument, diagnose, test, and troubleshoot your C# code

  • Understand how to use the new C# 5.0 asynchronous programming features

  • Leverage interoperability with Windows Runtime to build Windows 8 applications

  • Table of contents

    1. About This eBook
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright Page
    4. Contents at a Glance
    5. Table of Contents
    6. About the Author
    7. Acknowledgments
    8. We Want to Hear from You!
    9. Reader Services
    10. Introduction
      1. Who Should Read This Book?
      2. What You Need to Know Before You Read This Book
      3. How This Book Is Organized
    11. Chapter 1. Introducing the .NET Platform
      1. A Historical Perspective
        1. Win32 Programming in C
        2. Raising the Abstraction Level with MFC and C++
        3. Component-Driven Development with COM
        4. Windows Development for the Masses in Visual Basic
        5. Reaching Out to the Web with Windows DNA
        6. Reaching Out to Java with J++
        7. Time for Lightning
        8. Modernizing COM in Windows Runtime
      2. A 10,000-Feet View of the .NET Platform
        1. The .NET Platform
      3. The Common Language Infrastructure
      4. The Multilanguage Aspect of .NET
      5. Introducing .NET Assemblies
      6. The Common Type System Explained
        1. What’s Type Safety?
        2. Primitive Types
        3. Classes, Structures, and Enumerations
        4. Interfaces
        5. Delegates
        6. Members
        7. A Note on Generics
        8. The Role of the Common Language Specification
      7. Executing Managed Code
        1. The Assembly Manifest
        2. IL Code
        3. Metadata
        4. Mixing Languages
      8. Diving into the Common Language Runtime
        1. Bootstrapping the Runtime
        2. Assembly Loading
        3. Application Domains
        4. JIT Compilation
        5. Native Image Generation
        6. Automatic Memory Management
        7. Exception Handling
        8. Code Access Security
        9. Interoperability Facilities
      9. The Base Class Library
        1. Organization with Namespaces
        2. The History of the BCL
      10. Summary
    12. Chapter 2. Introducing the C# Programming Language
      1. The Evolution of C#
        1. C# 1.0: Managed Code Development, Take One
        2. C# 2.0: Enriching the Core Language Features
        3. C# 3.0: Bridging the Gap Between Objects and Data
        4. C# 4.0: Reaching Out to Dynamic Languages
        5. C# 5.0: Asynchronous Programming Made Easy
      2. A Sneak Peek at the Future
        1. Multiparadigm
        2. Language-Shaping Forces
        3. Compiler as a Service
        4. Taming the Concurrency Beast
      3. Summary
    13. Chapter 3. Getting Started with .NET Development Using C#
      1. Installing the .NET Framework
        1. The .NET Framework Version Landscape
        2. .NET Framework 4.5
        3. Running the Installer
        4. What Got Installed?
      2. Your First Application: Take One
        1. Writing the Code
        2. Compiling It
        3. Running It
        4. Inspecting Our Assembly with ILSpy
      3. Visual Studio 2012
        1. Editions
        2. Expression
        3. Installing Visual Studio 2012
        4. A Quick Tour Through Visual Studio 2012
      4. Your First Application: Take Two
        1. New Project Dialog
        2. Solution Explorer
        3. Project Properties
        4. Code Editor
        5. Build Support
        6. Debugging Support
        7. Object Browser
        8. Code Insight
        9. Designers
        10. Server Explorer
        11. Database Mappers
        12. Unit Testing
        13. Team Development
      5. Summary
    14. Chapter 4. Language Essentials
      1. The Entry Point
        1. A Trivial Console Application
        2. Method Signatures
        3. Allowed Entry-Point Signatures
        4. Running the Sample
        5. Under the Hood
      2. Keywords
        1. Contextual Keywords
        2. Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio
      3. A Primer on Types
        1. Code and Data
        2. Types, Objects, and Instances
        3. Variables
        4. Classes and Other Types
      4. Built-In Types
        1. Integral Types
        2. Floating-Point Types
        3. The Decimal Type
        4. The Boolean Type
        5. The String Type
        6. Object
        7. Dynamic Typing
        8. A Word on CLS Compliance
        9. A Matter of Style: Aliases or Not?
      5. Local Variables
        1. Declaration
        2. Scope
        3. Assignment
        4. Constants
        5. Implicitly Typed Local Variable Declarations
      6. Intermezzo on Comments
        1. Single-Line Comments
        2. A Primer to Preprocessing Directives
        3. Delimited Comments
        4. Documentation Comments
      7. Arrays
        1. Internal Representation
        2. Single-Dimensional Arrays
        3. Array Initializers
        4. Jagged Arrays
        5. Multidimensional Arrays
      8. The Null Reference
        1. What’s Null Really?
        2. A Common Source of Bugs
      9. Nullable Value Types
        1. Internal Representation
        2. Use in C#
        3. A Type Background
      10. Summary
    15. Chapter 5. Expressions and Operators
      1. What Are Expressions?
        1. Arity of Operators
        2. Precedence and Associativity
        3. Evaluation of Subexpressions
      2. The Evaluation Stack
      3. Arithmetic Operators
        1. Integer Arithmetic
        2. Floating-Point Arithmetic
        3. Decimal Arithmetic
        4. Character Arithmetic
        5. Unary Plus and Minus
        6. Overflow Checking
        7. Arithmetic with Nullables
      4. String Concatenation
      5. Shift Operators
      6. Relational Operators
        1. Equality for Different Types
        2. Lifted Operators
      7. Logical Operators
        1. Integral Bitwise Logical Operators
        2. Use for Enumerations
        3. Boolean Logical Operators
        4. Nullable Boolean Logic
      8. Conditional Operators
        1. Under the Hood
      9. An Operator’s Result Type
        1. Associativity
      10. Null-Coalescing Operator
      11. Assignment
        1. Declaration Versus (Simple) Assignment
        2. Compound Assignment
        3. A Gentle Introduction to Definite Assignment
        4. Postfix and Prefix Increment and Decrement Operators
      12. Summary
    16. Chapter 6. A Primer on Types and Objects
      1. Implicit Versus Explicit Conversions
        1. Cast Expressions
        2. The is Operator
        3. The as Operator
        4. Intermezzo: The Mythical Type Switch
      2. The typeof Operator: A Sneak Peek at Reflection
      3. Default Value Expression
      4. Creating Objects with the new Operator
        1. Behind the Scenes of Constructors
        2. Object Initializers
        3. Collection Initializers
      5. Member Access
        1. A First Look at Dynamic Typing
      6. Invocation Expressions
        1. Method Invocation
        2. Delegate Invocation
      7. Element Access
      8. Summary
    17. Chapter 7. Simple Control Flow
      1. What Are Statements, Anyway?
      2. Expression Statements
        1. Method Calls
        2. Assignments
        3. Pre- and Post-Increment/Decrement
      3. The Empty Statement
      4. Statement Blocks
      5. Declarations
      6. Selection Statements
        1. The if Statement
        2. The switch Statement
      7. Iteration Statements
        1. The while Statement
        2. The do...while Statement
        3. The for Statement
        4. The foreach Statement
      8. A Peek at Iterators
      9. Loops in the Age of Concurrency
      10. The goto Statement
      11. The return Statement
      12. Summary
    18. Chapter 8. Basics of Exceptions and Resource Management
      1. Exception Handling
        1. Exceptions Are Objects
        2. Causes of Exceptions
        3. Throwing Exceptions
        4. Handling Exceptions
        5. The finally Clause
      2. Deterministic Resource Cleanup
        1. Garbage Collection in a Nutshell
        2. Object Disposal
        3. The using Statement
        4. Implementing IDisposable
        5. (In)appropriate Use of IDisposable
      3. Locking on Objects
        1. Under the Hood
        2. The lock Statement
        3. Intermezzo: Code Generation for Lock
        4. Be Careful with Locks
      4. Summary
    19. Chapter 9. Introducing Types
      1. Types Revisited
      2. Classes Versus Structs
        1. References Versus Values
        2. Heap Versus Stack
        3. Boxing
        4. The Dangers of Mutable Value Types
      3. Type Members
        1. Visibility
        2. Static Versus Instance
        3. Partial Types
      4. Summary
    20. Chapter 10. Methods
      1. Defining Methods
      2. Specifying the Return Type
      3. Declaring Parameters
        1. Value Parameters
        2. Reference Parameters
        3. Output Parameters
        4. Parameter Arrays
        5. Optional and Named Parameters
      4. Overloading
        1. Defining Method Overloads
        2. Method Groups
        3. Overload Resolution
      5. Extension Methods
        1. Defining Extension Methods
        2. Overload Resolution
        3. Using Extension Methods
        4. How the Compiler Marks and Finds Extension Methods
      6. Partial Methods
      7. Extern Methods
      8. Refactoring
      9. Code Analysis
      10. Summary
    21. Chapter 11. Fields, Properties, and Indexers
      1. Fields
        1. Declaring Fields
        2. Accessing Fields
        3. Initializing Fields
        4. Read-Only Fields
        5. Constants
        6. Volatile Fields
      2. An Intermezzo About Enums
        1. Why Enums Matter
        2. Underlying Types
        3. Assigning Values to Members
        4. The System.Enum Type
        5. Flags
        6. Revisiting the switch Statement
        7. Behind the Scenes
      3. Properties
        1. Declaring and Using Properties
        2. Auto-Implemented Properties
        3. How Properties Work
      4. Indexers
        1. Defining Indexers
        2. How Indexers Are Implemented
      5. Summary
    22. Chapter 12. Constructors and Finalizers
      1. Constructors
        1. Instance Constructors
      2. Static Constructors
      3. Destructors (Poorly Named Finalizers)
        1. Defining Finalizers in C#
        2. How Finalizers Are Run
        3. How Finalizers Are Implemented
        4. Disposal Before Collection: IDisposable
      4. Summary
    23. Chapter 13. Operator Overloading and Conversions
      1. Operators
        1. Defining Operators
        2. How Operators Are Found
        3. Nullability and Lifted Operators
        4. Which Operators Can Be Overloaded?
        5. Implementing Equality Operations
        6. The Role of the System.Object’s Equals Instance Method
        7. How Operators Are Translated
      2. Conversions
        1. Built-In Conversions
        2. User-Defined Conversions
        3. Other Conversion Mechanisms
      3. Summary
    24. Chapter 14. Object-Oriented Programming
      1. The Cornerstones of Object Orientation
        1. A Historical Perspective
        2. Encapsulation
        3. Inheritance
        4. Polymorphism
        5. Types in Pictures
      2. Inheritance for Classes
        1. Single Inheritance for Classes
        2. Multiple Inheritance for Interfaces
        3. Blocking Inheritance
        4. Hiding Base Class Members
      3. Protected Accessibility
      4. Polymorphism and Virtual Members
        1. Virtual Members
        2. Overriding Virtual Members
        3. Declaring Virtual Members
        4. Sealing and Hiding: Take Two
        5. How Virtual Dispatch Works
        6. How Base Calls Work
      5. Abstract Classes
      6. Interface Types
        1. Defining Interfaces
        2. Some Design Recommendations
        3. Implementing Interfaces
      7. Summary
    25. Chapter 15. Generic Types and Methods
      1. Life Without Generics
        1. A Real-World Example with Collections
        2. Performance Worries
      2. Getting Started with Generics
      3. Declaring Generic Types
      4. Using Generic Types
      5. Performance Intermezzo
      6. Operations on Type Parameters
        1. Default Values
        2. Getting the Type’s Reflection Info Object
      7. Generic Constraints
        1. Interface-Based Constraints
        2. Base Class Constraints
        3. Default Constructor Constraint
        4. Restriction to Value Types or Reference Types
      8. Generic Methods
      9. Co- and Contravariance
        1. Annoyances with Generic Types
        2. Broken Covariance for Array Types
        3. Safety Guarantees
        4. Generic Co- and Contravariance
        5. Under the Hood
        6. Where and When to Use Variance
      10. Summary
    26. Chapter 16. Collection Types
      1. Nongeneric Collection Types
        1. ArrayList
        2. Hash Tables
        3. Queue
        4. Stack
        5. Summary
      2. Generic Collection Types
        1. List<T>
        2. SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>, and SortedList<TKey, TValue>
        3. Queue<T> and Stack<T>
      3. Thread-Safe Collection Types
      4. Other Collection Types
      5. Summary
    27. Chapter 17. Delegates
      1. Functional Programming
        1. Historical Perspective
        2. Programming with Functions
      2. What Are Delegates?
      3. Delegate Types
      4. Delegate Instances
        1. Anonymous Function Expressions
        2. Closures: Captured Outer Variables
        3. Lambda Expressions
        4. Expression Trees
      5. Invoking Delegates
      6. Putting It Together: An Extensible Calculator
      7. Case Study: Delegates Used in LINQ to Objects
      8. Asynchronous Invocation
      9. Combining Delegates
      10. Summary
    28. Chapter 18. Events
      1. The Two Sides of Delegates
      2. A Reactive Application
        1. Using Delegates
        2. Limitations on Plain Use of Delegates
        3. Using .NET Events
      3. How Events Work
      4. Raising Events, the Correct Way
      5. add and remove Accessors
      6. Detach Your Event Handlers
      7. Recommended Event Patterns
        1. EventHandler and EventArgs
        2. EventHandler<T>
        3. Designing Events for Use by Derived Classes
      8. Case Study: INotifyProperty Interfaces and UI Programming
        1. Events in UI Frameworks
      9. Countdown, the GUI Way
      10. Event Interoperability with WinRT
      11. Introduction to Reactive Programming
        1. Events Revisited
        2. Pull Versus Push
        3. Dictionary Suggest Revisited
      12. Summary
    29. Chapter 19. Language Integrated Query Essentials
      1. Life Without LINQ
        1. In-Memory Data
        2. Relational Databases
        3. XML
        4. The Birth of LINQ
      2. LINQ by Example
        1. In-Memory Data
        2. Relational Databases
        3. XML
      3. Query Expression Syntax
        1. Why Query Expressions?
        2. Getting Started
        3. Source Selection Using a from Clause
        4. Projection Using the Select Clause
        5. Filtering Using a where Clause
        6. Ordering Using the orderby Keyword
        7. Grouping Using the group by Clause
        8. Joining Using the join Clause
        9. Continuing a Query Expression Using the into Clause
        10. Bindings with the let Clause
      4. Summary
    30. Chapter 20. Language Integrated Query Internals
      1. How LINQ to Objects Works
        1. IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T> Recap
        2. LINQ to Objects Extension Methods
        3. Iterators
        4. Lazy Evaluation
        5. How Iterators Work
      2. Standard Query Operators
        1. Source Generators
        2. Restriction
        3. Projection
        4. Ordering
        5. Grouping and Joining
        6. Aggregation
        7. Predicates
        8. Set Theoretical and Sequencing Operators
        9. Sequence Persistence
        10. Remote Versus Local with AsEnumerable
      3. The Query Pattern
        1. All About Methods
        2. Overloading Query Expression Syntax
      4. Parallel LINQ
        1. The Cost of Optimization
        2. AsParallel
        3. How PLINQ Works
        4. AsOrdered
        5. Tweaking Parallel Querying Behavior
        6. Parallel Enumeration with ForAll
      5. Expression Trees
        1. Query Expression Translation
        2. Homoiconicity for Dummies
        3. Expression Trees for Query Expressions
        4. IQueryable<T>
      6. Summary
    31. Chapter 21. Reflection
      1. Typing Revisited, Static and Otherwise
        1. The Role of Metadata
        2. The Multilanguage World
        3. Taking Multilanguage to the Next Level
        4. How Does All of This Relate to C# Programming?
      2. Reflection
        1. System.Type
        2. Discovering Types
        3. A Primer on Application Extensibility
        4. Reflection for Methods, Properties, Events, and More
        5. Custom Attributes
      3. Lightweight Code Generation
        1. Hello LCG
        2. A Toy Compiler for Arithmetic Expressions
      4. Expression Trees
        1. Compiler-Generated Expression Trees
        2. The Expression Tree API
        3. Using the ExpressionVisitor
      5. Summary
    32. Chapter 22. Dynamic Programming
      1. The dynamic Keyword in C# 4.0
        1. The dynamic Type
        2. Dynamic Typing Is Contagious
        3. Deferred Overload Resolution
        4. No System.Dynamic Type
        5. When to Use dynamic: Case Study with IronPython
      2. DLR Internals
        1. Dynamic Call Sites and Binders
        2. Dynamic Dispatch
        3. Custom Dynamic Objects with DynamicObject
        4. A Primer to DynamicMetaObject
        5. Dynamic Operations
        6. Overall Architecture
      3. Office and COM Interop
        1. Essentials of COM Interop
        2. Simplified COM Interop in .NET 4.0
        3. Case Study: COM Interop with Excel and Word
        4. Embedding of PIAs
      4. Summary
    33. Chapter 23. Exceptions
      1. Life Without Exceptions
        1. Win32
        2. COM
        3. Lessons Learned
      2. Introducing Exceptions
      3. Exception Handling
        1. try Statements
        2. First-Chance Exceptions
        3. Intermezzo on Historical Debugging with IntelliTrace
        4. When and What to Catch
        5. Beyond Your Control
      4. Throwing Exceptions
      5. Defining Your Own Exception Types
      6. (In)famous Exception Types
        1. DivideByZeroException
        2. OverflowException
        3. NullReferenceException
        4. IndexOutOfRangeException
        5. InvalidCastException
        6. ArrayTypeMismatchException
        7. TypeInitializationException
        8. OutOfMemoryException
        9. StackOverflowException
        10. ExecutionEngineException
        11. ArgumentException
        12. ArgumentNullException
        13. ArgumentOutOfRangeException
        14. InvalidOperationException
        15. NotImplementedException
        16. NotSupportedException
        17. FormatException
        18. AggregateException
      7. Summary
    34. Chapter 24. Namespaces
      1. Organizing Types in Namespaces
        1. Once Upon a Time
        2. Assemblies and Namespaces
      2. Declaring Namespaces
        1. Naming Conventions
        2. Visibility
        3. Name Clashes Within Namespaces
      3. Importing Namespaces
        1. Name Clashes Due to Imports
        2. Using Aliases
        3. Extern Aliases
        4. Extension Methods
      4. Summary
    35. Chapter 25. Assemblies and Application Domains
      1. Assemblies
        1. Modules and Assemblies
        2. Types of Assemblies
        3. Assembly Properties
        4. Naming, Versioning, and Deployment
        5. Strong Naming
        6. Strong-Name Verification at Runtime
        7. The Global Assembly Cache
        8. Referencing Assemblies
        9. How Assemblies Get Loaded at Runtime
        10. Native Image Generation
        11. Visibility Aspects
        12. Embedded Resources
        13. Type Forwarding
        14. Reflection Flashback
      2. Application Domains
        1. Creating Application Domains
        2. Cross-Domain Communication
        3. The Managed Add-In Framework
      3. Summary
    36. Chapter 26. Base Class Library Essentials
      1. The BCL: What, Where, and How?
        1. What Is Covered?
        2. Default Project References
        3. Namespaces Versus Assemblies
        4. The System and mscorlib Assemblies
        5. System.Core’s Story of Red Bits and Green Bits
      2. The Holy System Root Namespace
        1. Primitive Value Types
        2. Working with Arrays
        3. The Math Class
        4. BigInteger: Beyond 32-Bit and 64-Bit Integers
        5. Complex Numbers
        6. Generating Random Numbers
        7. Working with Date and Time
        8. GUID Values
        9. Nullability Revisited Briefly
        10. The Uri Type
        11. Interacting with the Environment
        12. Leave the GC Alone (Most of the Time)
        13. Native Interop with IntPtr
        14. Lazy Initialization Using Lazy<T>
        15. Tuple Types
      3. Facilities to Work with Text
        1. Formatting Text
        2. Parsing Text to Objects
        3. Regular Expressions
        4. Commonly Used String Methods
        5. The StringBuilder Class
        6. Text Encoding
      4. Summary
    37. Chapter 27. Diagnostics and Instrumentation
      1. Ensuring Code Quality
        1. Code Analysis
        2. Asserts and Contracts
        3. Diagnostic Debugger Output
        4. Controlling the Debugger
        5. Logging Stack Traces
        6. Measuring Performance Using Stopwatch
      2. Instrumentation
        1. Using Event Logs
        2. Monitoring with Performance Counters
        3. Other Manageability Frameworks
      3. Controlling Processes
        1. Querying Process Information
        2. Starting Processes
      4. Summary
    38. Chapter 28. Working with I/O
      1. Files and Directories
        1. Listing Drives
        2. Working with Directories
        3. Working with Paths
        4. The FileInfo Class
      2. Monitoring File System Activity
      3. Readers and Writers
        1. The File Class
        2. TextReader and TextWriter
      4. Streams: The Bread and Butter of I/O
        1. Memory Streams
        2. Working with Files: Take Two
        3. BinaryReader and BinaryWriter
        4. Asynchronous Read and Write Operations
        5. Streams Are Everywhere
      5. A Primer to (Named) Pipes
      6. Memory-Mapped Files in a Nutshell
      7. Overview of Other I/O Capabilities
      8. Summary
    39. Chapter 29. Threading and Synchronization
      1. Using Threads
        1. Explaining the Concept of Threads
        2. The Managed Code Story
        3. Where It All Starts: The Thread Class
        4. More About a Thread’s Life Cycle
        5. Managed Thread Characteristics
        6. Dealing with Exceptions
        7. Thread-Specific State
        8. Essential Threading Debugging Techniques
      2. Thread Pools
        1. .NET’s Thread Pool
      3. Synchronization Primitives
        1. Atomicity (or Lack Thereof) Illustrated
        2. Monitors and the lock Keyword
        3. Mutexes
        4. Semaphores
        5. More Advanced Locks
        6. Signaling with Events
        7. Interlocked Helpers
        8. More Synchronization Mechanisms
        9. BackgroundWorker
      4. Summary
    40. Chapter 30. Task Parallelism and Data Parallelism
      1. Pros and Cons of Threads
        1. Cutting Costs
        2. An Ideal Number of Threads?
      2. The Task Parallel Library
        1. Architecture
        2. Declarative Versus Imperative
        3. What Are Tasks?
      3. Task Parallelism
        1. Creating and Starting Tasks
        2. Retrieving a Task’s Result
        3. Dealing with Errors
        4. Continuations
        5. Cancellation of Tasks
        6. Parallel Invocation
        7. Waiting for Multiple Tasks
        8. How the Task Scheduler Works
      4. Data Parallelism
        1. Parallel For Loops
        2. Parallel ForEach Loops
      5. Summary
    41. Chapter 31. Asynchronous Programming
      1. Why Asynchronous Programming Matters
        1. It’s All About Latency
        2. What’s Asynchrony, Really?
        3. User Experience
        4. Scalability
      2. Old Asynchronous Programming Patterns
        1. Asynchronous Programming Model
        2. Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP)
        3. Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP)
        4. Method Naming and Overloading
        5. Cancellation
        6. Progress Reporting
        7. Exception Behavior
        8. Synchronization Behavior
        9. Implementing a TAP Method, Take One
        10. Key Takeaways of the TAP
      3. Asynchronous Methods and await Expressions
        1. Declaring Asynchronous Methods
        2. A Primer to await Expressions
        3. How Asynchronous Methods Execute
        4. Control Flow in Asynchronous Methods
        5. Intermezzo: Manual Callback Plumbing
        6. Synchronization Behavior of await Expressions
        7. No Asynchronous Main Method?
        8. Asynchronous Anonymous Functions
      4. Behind the Scenes
        1. The State Machine Fueling Asynchronous Methods
        2. Returning from an Asynchronous Method
        3. Exception Propagation
        4. Unwrapping AggregateExceptions
        5. Supporting Arbitrary Control Flow
        6. Saving Evaluation State with Stack Spilling
      5. Advanced Topics
        1. Building Awaitable Types
        2. Yielding Control
      6. Summary
    42. Chapter 32. Introduction to Windows Runtime
      1. What Is Windows Runtime?
        1. Hello World for Windows Store
        2. Object-Oriented and Modern COM
        3. The Windows Metadata Format
        4. Activation and IInspectable
        5. Language Projections
      2. Creating a Windows Runtime Component
        1. Writing Windows Runtime Components
        2. Building Windows Runtime Components
        3. Using Windows Runtime Components
      3. Overview of the Windows Runtime APIs
      4. Summary
    43. Index

    Product information

    • Title: C# 5.0 Unleashed
    • Author(s):
    • Release date: April 2013
    • Publisher(s): Sams
    • ISBN: 9780133391480