
Accordion method, 120

Action, defined, 17

Argument structure, of business plan, 130


communication with different, 149–150

connecting with, 112–113

intimate with mass, 53–59

language, 151–152

meet your, 174–177

Audience analysis, 4–9

in action, 7

example, 6

questions, 5

Avatar, 54–56, 58–59

sample profile, 59


Bad news e-mail, 26–27

Blog posts, 81–92

brand voice, 83–84

checklist, 92

generate hot topics, 85–86

planning your time, 86–87

sample, 90

seven key practices for creating, 87–91

your blog, your way, 81–83

Brand voice, 83–84

Business plans, 127–141

building watertight argument, 131–133

checklist, 141

executive summary, 138–139

purpose of, 127–129

sample one-page, 139–140

scrutinize your case, 134–137

understanding structure, ...

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