1Extend is a trademark of Imagine That, Inc., 6830 Via del Oro, Suite 230, San Jose, CA 95119-1353, USA (imaginethatinc.com). The descriptions in Chapters 7 through 10 are based on Extend v. 6 for Windows. The names of the libraries and menu items in the Macintosh version of Extend are similar to those in Windows.
2The use of optimization in the context of discrete-event simulation will be discussed in Chapter 10.
3This model is in the file Credit App-Step 1 that is distributed with Extend. This file is located in the folder Extend6\Examples\Operations Research\BPR\Credit Application.
4 This queuing discipline is also known as first-come-first-served (FCFS). The FIFO notation is used in Extend.
5 The notation Menu > Menu Item will be used to ...
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