Chapter 8. Secure WordPress
Hackers beware! This chapter is packed full of tips and advice on how to make WordPress sites more secure and hopefully prevent them from falling prey to any malicious intent.
Why It’s Important
No matter what size website you are running, security is something that you do not want to overlook. Any size site can fall victim to hackers or malware. Being knowledgeable and proactive about WordPress security will help you be less vulnerable and hopefully avoid any attacks.
One of the most popular types of attacks is called a brute-force attack in which a bot or script of code tries to gain access to your site by guessing the correct username and password combination. It may not sound that dangerous, but keep in mind that these bots are huge networks of computers making hundreds or even thousands of guesses every second! Even if these bots don’t gain access to your WordPress admin, they will often take your site down anyway through the sheer amount of resources it takes your server to respond to the malicious requests. This is called a denial of service (or DoS) attack, and can be caused by a targeted attack or by automated spammers and brute-force hacks.
A standard WordPress install comes with some built-in security features that we will discuss in this chapter along with other tips that you can easily follow to make your site more secure. There are also some plugins we will highlight that can help with other issues such as spam.
Some very bad things that can ...
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