
Chapter 3

1. Reinsel (2011).

2. A good article introducing the concept of information mapping in business organizations is “Mapping Information Flows: A Practical Guide” by Betty Jo Hibberd and Allison Evatt, The Information Management Journal Jan./Feb. 2004, pp. 58–64. ©2004 ARMA International.

Chapter 4

1. For a detailed discussion of data classification methodology, see DOIT Data Classification Methodology Version 1.3. U.S. Department of Information Technology, March 30, 2010.

Chapter 6

1. Verizon (2011).

Chapter 8

1. The author acknowledges the research done by Verizon and the U.S. Secret Service and published in the annual Verizon Data Breach Investigation Reports 2008–2012.



4. Schwartz (2011). ...

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