Chapter 11. Co-Benefits

The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

We would be lying if we said pursuing green software was an easy quest. We would need to hang our head in shame if we claimed convincing others about the inevitability of sustainability in the tech industry is a simple task. We would have to have a serious conversation with ourselves if we didn’t acknowledge that sustainability has now taken a backseat in many organizations during the current economic downturns.

Our original intention for this chapter was to delve deeper into the multidisciplinary aspects of eco-friendly computing and explore the co-benefits of sustainability. By now, you likely understand the interdisciplinary nature of green software, where all areas of concern in software engineering are interconnected, and achieving a delicate balance among them is no easy task.

However, we cannot ignore the unprecedented challenges that most climate advocates have faced over the past several months. For the first time in history, we are witnessing climate records being broken left, right, and center. Yet, investments in addressing climate change are still struggling to become a top priority for many organizations, including those in the tech sector. (Legislation worldwide is slowly catching up to get everyone in the right gear, but the progress is just not happening fast enough.)

Therefore, we are shifting the attention of this chapter slightly. While we will still cover ...

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