Chapter 2. Fitness Functions
An evolutionary architecture supports guided, incremental change across multiple dimensions.
our definition
As noted, the word guided indicates that some objective exists that architecture should move toward or exhibit. The authors borrow a concept from evolutionary computing called “fitness functions,” used in genetic algorithm design to define success. Evolutionary computing includes a number of mechanisms that allow a solution to gradually emerge via small changes in each generation of the software. At each generation of the solution, the engineer assesses the current state: Is it closer to or further away from the ultimate goal? For example, when using a genetic algorithm to optimize wing design, the fitness function assess wind resistance, weight, air flow, and other characteristics desirable to good wing design. Architects define a fitness function to explain what better is and to help measure when the goal is met. In software, fitness functions check that developers preserve important architectural characteristics.
We use this concept to define architectural fitness functions:
An architectural fitness function provides an objective integrity assessment of some architectural characteristic(s).
our definition
The fitness function protects the various architectural characteristics required for the system. The specific architectural requirements differ greatly across systems and organizations, based on business drivers, technical capabilities, ...
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