(2 row(s) affected)
But wait! How do I know the name of the department with the ID of 6? Well,
you could use a similar query to find out. Try this:
SELECT Department
FROM Departments
WHERE DepartmentID = 6
Executing this query reveals that the department with the ID of 6 is Engineering.
(1 row(s) affected)
Selecting Ranges of Values with BETWEEN
There may be times when youll want to search within a database table for rows
that fall within a certain range of values. For instance, if you wanted to retrieve
from the Departments table all departments that have IDs between 2 and 5, you
could use the BETWEEN keyword like so:
SELECT DepartmentID, Department
FROM Departments
As we requested, all departments whose IDs are between 2 and 5 are returned.
Note that the range is inclusive, so departments with IDs of 2 and 5 will also be
Note that any conditions that use BETWEEN could be easily rewritten by combining
two greater than or equal and less than or equal conditions:
SELECT DepartmentID, Department
FROM Departments
WHERE DepartmentID >= 2 AND DepartmentID <= 5
We could also use the NOT keyword before the BETWEEN keyword to specify all
items that fall outside the range, as follows:
Selecting Ranges of Values with BETWEEN

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