Build Interactive Dashboards Using Highcharts with Angular: Create Stunning Animated Interactive Charts for Modern Browsers

Video description

Learn to create stunning animated and interactive charts using Highcharts and Angular. Along the way you will develop smooth dashboards that will work in all modern browsers. You will see how to use Highcharts to call backend services for data and easily construct real-time data dashboards. 

This video course provides the best solutions for real-time challenges and covers a wide range of charts including line, area, deviation, Gauge, stacked bar, scatter plot, and 3D charts. Highcharts is one of the most useful products for developing charting on the web and Angular is well known for speed. Using Highcharts with Angular, you can build fast, interactive dashboards. Get up to speed using this video course today.

What You Will Learn

  • Develop interactive, animated dashboards
  • Implement Highcharts using Angular
  • Use and export different chart types
  • Create interactive styling themes and colors for a dashboard

Who This Video Is For

Developers who are already familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Product information

  • Title: Build Interactive Dashboards Using Highcharts with Angular: Create Stunning Animated Interactive Charts for Modern Browsers
  • Author(s): Sourabh Mishra
  • Release date: December 2020
  • Publisher(s): Apress
  • ISBN: 9781484266946