
1.1 Generalities

Bridges are one of the most attractive structures in the field of Civil Engineering, creating aesthetical judgements from society and deserving, in many cases, the Latin designation in the French language of Ouvrages d'Art.

Firstly, a set of definitions and appropriated terminology related to bridge structures is established before discussing bridge design concepts. A short historical view of the topic is included in this chapter to introduce the reader to the bridge field, going from basic concepts and design methods to construction technology.

A bridge cannot be designed without an appropriated knowledge of general concepts that go well beyond the field of structural analysis and design. The concept for a bridge requires from the designer a general knowledge of other aspects, such as environmental and aesthetic concepts, urban planning, landscape integration, hydraulic and geotechnical engineering.

The designer very often has to discuss specific problems for a bridge design concept with specialists in other fields, such as the ones previously mentioned, as well as from aspects of more closely related fields like highway or railway engineering.

Introducing the reader to the relationships between all the fields related to bridge design, from the development of the bridge concept to more specific aspects of bridge construction methods, is one of the aims of this book.

Most of the bridge examples are based on design projects developed at the author’s ...

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