More on the New CLX

CLX, the new cross platform library, is actually composed of four pieces. These are explained in Table 10.1.

Table 10.1. CLX Parts (from Delphi 6 Online Help)
Part Description
VisualCLX Native cross-platform GUI components and graphics. The components in this area might differ on Linux and Windows.
DataCLX Client data-access components. The components in this area are a subset of the local, client/server, and n-tier based on client datasets. The code is the same on Linux and Windows.
NetCLX Internet components including Apache DSO and CGI Web Broker. These are the same on Linux and Windows.
RTL Runtime Library up to and including Classes.pas. The code is the same on Linux and Windows. Under Linux, this file is BaseRTL.

VisualCLX ...

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