Chapter 8. Using Your BTA
By the time you have finished this chapter, you will have tried your BTA as super admin, organization admin, AI engineer, MLOps engineer, and stakeholder. You will register a fictitious organization as a brand new organization admin, and then as super admin you will approve the new subscription. As organization admin, you will create IDs for an AI engineer, MLOps engineer, and a stakeholder. Then, as the AI engineer, you will run a training event on your model which gets reviewed and approved by the MLOps engineer and stakeholder.
This chapter—and the book—concludes with a discussion on how this audit trail might be used to reverse the training of the model.
Exercise: Recording Critical AI Touchpoints to Blockchain
You created your users in the previous exercise, which are organization admin, AI engineer, MLOps engineer, and stakeholder. This exercise guides you through using the BTA as each user, taking part in a process where a model is created, its original intent is specified, and the model is processed through the users, with each critical step being recorded to blockchain. This blockchain audit trail is used here in this exercise to check the steps used to create and train the model.
Adding a New Project
To get started, choose Manage Projects > Projects to see a list of all projects. Here is where you can choose Add Project to establish the parameters of the model creation and review process, as shown in Figure 8-1.
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