BlackBerry For Dummies®

Book description

What’s part PDA, part smartphone, and part media player? Your BlackBerry, naturally! Whether it’s the popular Pearl, the sleek Curve, or the hardworking 8800, your BlackBerry handheld device is loaded with features to make your life easier—if you can figure out how to use them.

BlackBerryFor Dummies,2nd Edition comes to the rescue with just what you need to know to get the most from this amazing device.   It covers the newest BlackBerry models and all the latest developments, like SureType vs. QWERTY keyboards and the new trackball navigation method. You’ll discover how to set up your BlackBerry as a full-fledged PDA, but also how to use the camera, play music and videos, make phone calls, and know where you are with GPS. BlackBerryFor Dummies, 2nd Edition shows you how to:

  • Surf the Web and send and receive e-mail

  • Keep your calendar, contacts, and to-do list

  • Make your BlackBerry a mobile mini-office

  • Sync data with your desktop

  • Install a MicroSD card for extra memory

  • Watch movies and listen to music

  • Let your BlackBerry double as a laptop modem

  • Protect your personal information

  • Use your BlackBerry almost anywhere in the world

Because the BlackBerry world changes so quickly, BlackBerryFor Dummies, 2nd Edition features a companion Web site that maintains the latest news and updates, so you’ll always be up to date. It’s a pretty sweet deal!

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Authors
  3. Dedication
  4. Authors' Acknowledgments
  5. Introduction
    1. About This Book
    2. Who Are You?
    3. What's in This Book
      1. Part I: Meet and Greet Your BlackBerry
      2. Part II: Getting Organized with Your BlackBerry
      3. Part III: Getting Online and Multimedia with Your BlackBerry
      4. Part IV: Working with Desktop Manager
      5. Part V: The Part of Tens
    4. So Many Models, So Little Time
    5. Icons in This Book
    6. Where to Go from Here
  6. I. Meet and Greet Your BlackBerry
    1. 1. Your BlackBerry Is Not an Edible Fruit
      1. Know Your BlackBerry History
      2. How It All Works: The Schematic Approach
        1. The role of the network service provider
        2. Connecting to your personal computer
        3. Connecting to the Enterprise
          1. BlackBerry Enterprise Server
          2. Connecting wirelessly
          3. Connecting through a desktop computer
        4. Doing the BlackBerry world‐traveler thing
      3. Oh, the Things You Can Do!
        1. All‐in‐one multimedia center
        2. Internet at your fingertips
        3. Me and my great personal assistant
        4. A computer in the palm of your hand
        5. Look Dad, no hands!
      4. Final BlackBerry Tidbits!
        1. Power efficiency
        2. Memory management
        3. A sentry is always on duty
    2. 2. Navigating the BlackBerry
      1. Anatomy 101: The Body and Features of Your BlackBerry
        1. Display screen
        2. QWERTY keyboard
        3. SureType keyboard
          1. SureType versus multitap
          2. Custom Wordlist
        4. Escape key
        5. Trackball
        6. Menu key
        7. The microSD slot
      2. General Navigation Guidelines
        1. Switching applications
        2. Changing options
      3. General Keyboard Shortcuts
        1. Using Home screen shortcuts
        2. Other (non‐Home screen) shortcuts
    3. 3. Turning On Your BlackBerry — and Keeping It Happy
      1. Making Your BlackBerry Yours
        1. Color‐code your Pearl
        2. Branding your BlackBerry
        3. Choose a language, any language
        4. Typing with ease using AutoText
        5. Inserting macros
        6. Getting your dates and times lined up
        7. Customizing your screen's look and feel
        8. Choosing themes for your BlackBerry
        9. Wallpaper for your BlackBerry
        10. Let freedom ring
          1. Using factory settings
          2. Creating your own profile
      2. Keeping Your BlackBerry Safe
  7. II. Getting Organized with Your BlackBerry
    1. 4. Remembering Your Acquaintances
      1. Accessing Your Address Book
      2. Working with Address Book Names
        1. Creating a contact
          1. Taking notes
          2. Adding your own fields
          3. Adding a picture to a contact
          4. Assigning a tone
        2. Adding contacts from other BlackBerry applications
        3. Viewing a contact
        4. Editing a contact
        5. Deleting a contact
      3. Transferring Contacts from Cellphones
        1. Copying contacts from a SIM card
        2. Copying a contact to a SIM card
      4. Copying Contacts from Desktop Applications
      5. Looking for Someone?
      6. Organizing Your Contacts
        1. Creating a group
        2. Using the Filter feature on your contacts
          1. Categorize your contacts
          2. Adding a category
        3. Setting preferences
      7. Sharing a Contact
        1. Sending a vCard
        2. Receiving a vCard
      8. Searching for Somebody Outside Your Address Book
    2. 5. Don't Miss Your Appointments
      1. Accessing BlackBerry Calendar
      2. Choosing Your Calendar View
      3. Moving between Time Frames
      4. Customizing Your Calendar
      5. All Things Appointments: Adding, Opening, and Deleting
        1. Creating an appointment
          1. Creating a one‐time appointment
          2. Creating an all‐day appointment
          3. Setting your appointment reminder time
          4. Creating a recurring appointment
        2. Opening an appointment
        3. Deleting an appointment
      6. Appointments versus Meetings
        1. Sending a meeting request
        2. Responding to a meeting request
    3. 6. Your To‐Do List and Keeping Your Password
      1. Accessing Tasks
      2. Recording a New Task
      3. Navigating the Tasks Fields
        1. Task field
        2. Status field
        3. Priority field
        4. Due field
        5. Time Zone field
        6. Reminder field
        7. Categories field
        8. Notes field
      4. Updating Your Tasks
      5. Deleting a Task
      6. Organizing Your Tasks List
        1. Customizing tasks
        2. Creating a category
        3. Assigning categories to your tasks
        4. Filtering the list
      7. Creating Recurring Tasks
      8. Using Password Keeper
        1. Accessing Password Keeper
        2. Setting a password for Password Keeper
        3. Creating credentials
        4. Random password generation
        5. Using your password
        6. Password Keeper options
        7. Changing your password to Password Keeper
    4. 7. Making Notes and Calculations
      1. MemoPad
        1. Accessing MemoPad
        2. Jotting down notes
        3. Viewing your notes
        4. Updating your notes
        5. Deleting your notes
        6. Quickly finding a note
        7. Organizing your notes
          1. Creating a category
          2. Assigning a category
          3. Filtering the list
        8. Printing notes
      2. Calculator
        1. Accessing Calculator
        2. Using Calculator
        3. Converting between English and metric systems
        4. Using Calculator shortcuts
  8. III. Getting Online and Multimedia with Your BlackBerry
    1. 8. You've Got (Lots of) E‐Mail
      1. Getting Up and Running with E‐Mail
        1. Using the BlackBerry Internet Service client
        2. Combining your e‐mail accounts into one
        3. Adding an e‐mail account
        4. Setting up e‐mail in an enterprise environment
      2. Customizing Your E‐Mail
        1. Configuring your e‐mail signature
        2. Enabling wireless reconciliation
          1. Enabling wireless e‐mail synchronization
          2. Permanently deleting e‐mail from your BlackBerry
        3. Automating replies and out‐of‐office messages (for enterprise users)
      3. Accessing Messages
        1. Receiving e‐mails
          1. Retrieving e‐mail
          2. Sorting the message list
          3. Saving a message to the saved folder
          4. Viewing attachments
        2. Sending e‐mail
          1. Forwarding e‐mail
          2. Sending e‐mail to more than one person
          3. Saving a draft e‐mail
        3. Spell checking your outgoing messages
        4. Adding a sender to your Address Book
        5. Deleting e‐mail
        6. Filtering your e‐mail
      4. Searching through Messages Like a Pro
        1. Searching by sender or recipient
        2. Searching by subject
        3. Running a general search
        4. Saving search results
        5. Reusing saved searches
      5. Long Live E‐Mail
    2. 9. Too Cool for E‐Mail
      1. A Little Bit of RIM Prehistory
      2. Sending and Receiving PIN‐to‐PIN Messages
        1. Getting a BlackBerry PIN
        2. Assigning PINs to names
        3. Sending a PIN‐to‐PIN message
        4. Receiving a PIN‐to‐PIN message
      3. Keeping in Touch, the SMS/MMS Way
        1. Using shorthand for speedy replies
        2. Awhfy?
        3. Showing some emotion
        4. Sending a text message
        5. Viewing a message you receive
      4. Always Online Using Instant Messaging
        1. Chatting using IM rules
        2. Instant messaging on a BlackBerry Pearl
          1. IM basics: What you need
          2. Going online with IM
          3. Adding a contact/buddy
          4. Doing the chat thing
          5. Sending your smile
          6. Are you there?
          7. Notification settings
        3. Instant messaging on a non‐Pearl model
        4. Using BlackBerry Messenger
          1. Running BlackBerry Messenger
          2. Adding a contact
          3. Starting a conversation
          4. Starting a group conversation
        5. Taking control of your IM app
          1. Less is more
          2. Lesser typing and emoticons
          3. SMS versus connecting via the Web
          4. Other IM recommendations
    3. 10. Surfing the Internet Wave
      1. Getting Started with BlackBerry Browser
        1. Accessing Browser
        2. Hitting the (air) waves
        3. Navigating Web pages
        4. Saving a Web page address
        5. Sending an address by e‐mail
        6. Saving Web images
      2. Bookmarking Your Favorite Sites
        1. Adding a bookmark
        2. Available offline
        3. Modifying a bookmark
        4. Organizing your bookmarks
          1. Adding a bookmark subfolder
          2. Renaming a bookmark folder
          3. Moving your bookmarks
          4. Cleaning up your bookmarks
      3. Browser Options and Optimization Techniques
        1. Configuring Browser
        2. General Browser properties
        3. Cache operations
      4. Installing and Uninstalling Applications from the Web
      5. Browser's Behavior in an Enterprise Environment
        1. Using Browser on your company's BES
        2. Using your network provider's browser
        3. Setting the default browser
    4. 11. Calling Your Favorite Person
      1. Using the BlackBerry Phone Application
      2. Making and Receiving Calls
        1. Making a call
          1. Calling from Address Book
          2. Dialing letters
        2. Receiving a call
      3. Phone Options While on a Call
        1. Muting your call
        2. Placing your call on hold
        3. Adjusting the call volume
      4. Customizing the BlackBerry Phone
        1. Setting up your voice mail number
        2. Using call forwarding
        3. Configuring speed dial
          1. Viewing your speed dial list
          2. Adding a number to speed dial
          3. Using speed dial
      5. Arranging Conference Calls
        1. Talking privately to a conference participant
        2. Alternate between phone conversations
        3. Dropping that meeting hugger
      6. Communicating Hands Free
        1. Using the speaker phone
        2. Pairing your BlackBerry with a Bluetooth headset
        3. Using voice dialing
      7. Multitasking While on the Phone
        1. Taking notes while on the phone
          1. Accessing phone notes
          2. Forwarding phone notes
    5. 12. Photos on Your BlackBerry
      1. Say Cheese
        1. The screen indicators
        2. Choosing the picture quality
        3. Zooming and focusing
        4. Setting the flash
      2. Working with Pictures
        1. Viewing
        2. Creating a slide show
        3. Trashing
        4. Listing file names versus thumbnails
        5. Picture properties
        6. Organizing your pictures
          1. Renaming a picture
          2. Creating a new folder
          3. Moving pictures
        7. Sharing your pictures
        8. Setting a picture as Caller ID
        9. Setting a Home screen image
      3. Setting Camera Memory Options
    6. 13. Getting Entertained with BlackBerry Media Center
      1. Accessing Media
        1. Folder navigation
        2. Let the music play
        3. Now showing
        4. Lord of the ring tones
        5. Picture this
          1. Zoom to details
          2. Rotate it
        6. Turn it down or blast it
        7. Commonly used navigation
      2. Working with Media Files
        1. Introduction to BlackBerry Desktop Media Manager
          1. Accessing Media Manager
          2. The Media Manager screen
          3. Importing media files to Media Manager
          4. Adding a media file to the BlackBerry
          5. Creating an album
        2. Synchronizing with iTunes
        3. Sharing media files by using Bluetooth
        4. Downloading tunes
    7. 14. Getting around with BlackBerry GPS
      1. Putting Safety First
      2. What You Need
      3. Your GPS Application Choices
        1. BlackBerry Map
        2. Google Maps
        3. TeleNav GPS Navigator
    8. 15. Wi‐Fi and Using BlackBerry as a Laptop Modem
      1. Preparing for Connection
      2. Making the Connection
      3. Using Wi‐Fi on Your BlackBerry
      4. Tuning Your Wi‐Fi Settings
  9. IV. Working with Desktop Manager
    1. 16. Synching the Synchronize Way
      1. Introduction to BlackBerry Desktop Manager
        1. Launching BDM
        2. Connecting BDM to your BlackBerry
        3. Running BDM for the first time
      2. Setting Up Synchronize
        1. Configuring PIM synchronization
        2. Mapping fields for synchronization
        3. Confirming record changes
        4. Resolving update conflicts
      3. Ready, Set, Synchronize!
        1. Synchronize Now
        2. Automatic synchronization
    2. 17. Installing Applications
      1. Accessing Application Loader
      2. Installing an Application
        1. Encountering an invalid signature error
        2. Using alternatives to Application Loader
      3. Uninstalling an Application
        1. Uninstalling by using Application Loader
        2. Uninstalling by using your BlackBerry handheld
      4. Upgrading Your BlackBerry OS
    3. 18. Switching Devices
      1. Switching between BlackBerries
      2. Switching from a Non‐BlackBerry Device
        1. Palm device requirements
        2. Windows Mobile device requirements
        3. Running the Wizard
    4. 19. Protecting Your Information
      1. Accessing Backup and Restore
      2. Backing Up BlackBerry Style
        1. Backing up your BlackBerry manually
        2. Setting up automatic backups
      3. A Full Restore from Backup Information
      4. Protecting Your Data, Your Way
        1. Backing up, your way
        2. Restoring, your way
        3. Clearing BlackBerry information, your way
  10. V. The Part of Tens
    1. 20. Ten Great BlackBerry Accessories
      1. A microSD Card
      2. Stereo Headphones
      3. A Belt Clip
      4. A Screen Protector
      5. An Extra Battery
      6. A Charger
      7. A Bluetooth Hands‐Free Headset
      8. A Full Keyboard
      9. An External Speakerphone
      10. A Car Mount
    2. 21. Ten Productive BlackBerry Applications
      1. MyUtils 2.0
      2. WorldMate for BlackBerry
      3. BerryDialer
      4. Litefeeds
      5. eOffice
      6. VeriChat for Blackberry
      7. bbSpell
      8. MidpSSH Mobile SSH Client
      9. Idokorro Mobile Desktop
      10. TrafficEdge
    3. 22. Ten Fun Games on Your BlackBerry
      1. Sudoku
      2. Bookworm
      3. Bass Assassin
      4. Raging Rivers
      5. Texas Hold ’em King
      6. Klondike
      7. Spider Solitaire
      8. Pro Golf Paradise
      9. Blockazoid
      10. Brain Up
    4. 23. More than Ten Must‐Have BlackBerry Programs
      1. Handmark Pocket Express
      2. BBWeather
      3. Beyond411
      4. Digby
      5. Google Talk Mobile and Yahoo! Messenger Mobile
      6. iSkoot Skype Client
      7. bbTV
      8. AskMeNow
      9. Stock Ticker
      10. Ascendo Money
      11. Ascendo Fitness
      12. BBToday
    5. 24. Ten Web Site Categories for BlackBerry Browsing
      1. Weather
      2. News
        1. Mobile New York Times
        2. Mobile Newsweek
        3. BBC News
        4. USA Today
        5. ABC News
        6. PR Newswire
        7. Wired News
      3. Google
      4. Portals
        1. RIM's Mobile Homepage
        2. Yahoo! Mobile
        3. MSN Mobile
      5. Business
        1. Yahoo! Finance
        2. Fidelity Anywhere
        3. BusinessWeek Online
      6. Travel
      7. Sports
        1. CBS
        2. ESPN
      8. Shipping Information
        1. FedEx tracking
        2. UPS tracking
      9. Shopping
        1. Amazon Anywhere
        2. eBay
      10. Other Browsing Categories
        1. BlackBerryGoodies
        2. MiniSphere
        3. wcities
        4. Starbucks Locator
        5. MizPee

Product information

  • Title: BlackBerry For Dummies®
  • Author(s): Robert Kao, Dante Sarigumba
  • Release date: October 2007
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9780470180792