Chapter EightSynthesis

137. It may be hard to believe, but large parts of the world’s deserts were vegetated a relatively short time ago. The way we steward water, energy and land in integrated ways over the course of the twenty-first century will have a major bearing on the extent to which our civilisation fails or succeeds

137. It may be hard to believe, but large parts of the world’s deserts were vegetated a relatively short time ago. The way we steward water, energy and land in integrated ways over the course of the twenty-first century will have a major bearing on the extent to which our civilisation fails or succeeds

When Peter Smithson was interviewed for the job of running London’s Architectural Association in the early 1980s, the idea he pitched to them was as follows. In the first year, the students would redesign the world because when you are 18, you can. In the second year, students would design a city. In the third year, they ...

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