Chapter 1: Information Modelling Today
The Digital Design Environment
Bim: A Blind Embrace of New Technologies?
Chapter 2: The Master Builder and Information Modelling
Working Methods of the Master Builder
Broad Use of (Physical) Models
Alberti and de re Aedificatoria
Conclusion: Towards a More Holistic and Creative way of Designing
SHoP: Architects, Control and Construction: The Barclays Center
Bim as a Driver for Virtual Construction
The Barclays Center, Design and Bim Efficiencies
Chapter 3: The C(reative)Onstruction Process, then and now
The Curious Case of Construction documents in 20th-Century Practice
Conventional Architect – Owner – Contractor Relationships
Conclusion: New Tools, New Relationships and Novel Forms
Morphosis: Design Intent and Digital Iteration: Perot Museum of Nature and Science
Structure of Design Services and Risk Mitigation
A Brief History of Information Modelling at Morphosis
Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Design and Control of Precast Patterning
Utilisation of Precast Concrete and Specific Panel Development at the Perot Museum
Chapter 4: New Methods: New Tools
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