Bill It, Kill It, or Keep It Free?

Book description

Many B2B companies seek to grow beyond traditional product lines by venturing into new services. Yet they often overlook the opportunity to capture sales from free services they provide. This article outlines the free-to-fee, or F2F, service transition. It shows how to inventory free services (categorizing them as profit drains, distributor delights, competitive weapons, or gold nuggets) and lays out a path for profitably generating revenues.

Product information

  • Title: Bill It, Kill It, or Keep It Free?
  • Author(s): Wolfgang Ulaga, Stefan Michel, Andreas Hinterhuber, Stephan Liozu, Ajay K. Kohli, Mohanbir Sawhney, Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, Christian Homburg, Sunil Chopra, Marc Wouters, Mark Ritson, Jakki J. Mohr, Heiko Gebauer, Satish Nambisan, James C. Anderson, Irene C.L. Ng, Rebecca W Hamilton, Kent Monroe, Sundar Bharadwaj
  • Release date: November 2018
  • Publisher(s): MIT Sloan Management Review
  • ISBN: 53863MIT60204