“2006 Recruiting Trends Survey,” Direct Employers/Booz Allen Hamilton (January 2006).
Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive (Reissue edition) by Harvey B. Mackay (Collins, 2005).
“Being the Boss” by Karen Springer, Newsweek.com (August 5, 2005).
Winning by Jack Welch (Collins, 2005).
“The Fork in the Road” by Jenny Anderson, New York Times (August 6, 2006).
“Changing Top Down Culture Among Managers in Asia” by Cris Prystay, CareerJournal.com (May 30, 2006).
“MySQL: Workers in 25 Countries with No HQ” by Josh Hyatt, Fortune (June 2006).
“Help Wanted Ads” by Larry Swisher, BNA Daily Labor Report (November 8, 2006).
“Paperless Route for Recruiting” by Fay Hanson, Workforce.com (February 27, 2006).
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