3Let's Take a Flyover!

The wait is over. You've invested two whole chapters of learning without actually getting your hands dirty. I'm sure you're tired of waiting. So, let's get going, huh?

In this chapter, we're going to take a flyover of both the Power BI Service and Power BI Desktop. We'll start first with the Service side so that you can see the end result, and then we'll wrap up with an introduction to the Desktop tool.

To begin with, let's get connected to the service.


Open a browser and navigate to powerbi.com.

If this is your first time ever logging in to powerbi.com, you will likely be presented with a splash screen. Enter your organizational email address and click Submit.

Once you have entered a valid organizational email address, click Submit. Once you've successfully logged in, if your organization does not already have a Power BI subscription provided for you, then you'll need to either sign up for a trial or purchase the subscription right away.

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